
Monday, February 7, 2011

Thanks to Bees with Honey!

Yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that Bruna of Bees with Honey was sharing a Versatile Blogger award with me.  Thank you! :>
And, of course, there are a few rules to go along with it:

1)  You have to Thank the person who awarded you & link them back in your post.
2)  Tell everyone 7 random facts about yourself.
3)  Pass the award on to 10 new bloggers.
4)  Contact each blogger and let them know you’ve passed the award on to them, & let the “giver” know you accept the award.

Since I've recently posted several bits o' me I'm going to spare you from another round ('cause goodness knows, I wouldn't wanna bore ya, right?! :>), but if you're interested in what makes those wheels spin in my head or my heart go pitter pat, you can read Saturday Seven or She caught me...I've been tagged!.

And with sooo many fabulous bloggers to discover in cyberspace, the only hard thing about sharing some is only listing ten!

And to be sure there's fun blog hopping for everyone, this list has bloggers who share their Mama tales, funny stories, recipes, DIY, writing, and creations made with fabric, soap, paper & pictures, stamps & ink, and yarn.  Seriously, there's a little something for whatever tickles your fancy!  Click away! :>

Hope everyone has a fantastic week! I seem to have caught Hubs & wee girl's bug, but it will be the perfect, stay at home opportunity to get some pictures into Project Life! What does this week hold for you?


  1. Congrats on the award!!! And thank you for passing it to me! I'm honored!

    That accident sounds soooo scary!!!

  2. Congratulations, Kare! YOU are a versatile blogger, indeed!

  3. Okay, sorry I am just now seeing this! Congrats on the award! Thank you so much for passing it onto me!!!! I bet you were grinning when GB won! I know I was! (For a couple of reasons, lol!)
    Karma, it's something else huh! Yep, that's for stealing the SB away from Seattle! Hope byoub are doing well.....I'm hanging in there. I'll try to e-mail you soon! Kids have been home for bad weather- they missed 5 days of school so far btwn last week and this week due to icy roads. Strange for Dallas. xOxO

  4. Aw, congrats to you and thanks for thinking of me!! I thought I had posted my TY already, but alas, I lost my brain. :) Our little base thrift store where I volunteer is going automated so I have been there A LOT the past 2 weeks. I am dreaming of consignments and new tickets!


Thank You for visiting! I appreciate and am grateful for all of You who craft some of Your time to leave me comments!