
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

SITS Day Three: What's in a name?

What's in a name?  Or in this case, blog post title? 

Suppose I must admit it here, my post titles are not overly witty.  Having thought of them as identification rather than an enticing call has led to that.  Post titles that are identifying for creative challenges are quite helpful (such as KWerner Color Inspiration first time playing along!), but not witty.

And there are informative & identifying post titles (such as Thank You Temple Grandin & HBO) that work great for search engines.  But, there's no flavor and it certainly does not convey how excited I was by the end of the Emmy's.

In the last few months, I've wanted my post titles to be more interesting (such as A Keen Party).  But, what was keen about what kind of party?  That's not so great for peeps using search engines looking for you or your topic.

And while I'm quite obviously still working on it, there are a few post titles that while not overly witty, do mean the most to me, the ones that make me smile (Acrylic Play, How do you create?, and the post I'm re-sharing with you today, Strawberry Charm).  And that's mostly due to how I felt about the topics I wrote on, which ranged from nervous anticipation to creative playfulness to sweet Mama joy.

May 12, 2009
Strawberry Charm

Last month, my son and his class went on a fieldtrip to the local Ag Fair. He had SO much fun and is still talking about his experiences today. In addition to that lasting excitement, he has a little something growing rapidly that he brought home from that Ag Fair.

They sent each kidlet home with a little strawberry plant. His Dad helped him plant it in the backyard and other than that, we, hubby & I, have done nothing. We watch our son drag the hose across the yard to go water it pretty regularly.

While I was out back taking pictures with the kids yesterday (they had control of the camera, so most of them are of the cats and a few Really unflattering ones of me!), I was so delighted to see just how big his strawberry plant is getting! I snapped a quick pic and thought I would share it.



And in case you are wondering, that sweet strawberry plant grew into a healthy producing plant that over the last almost year and a half, has divided itself four times.  Our sweet boy has picked a handful of strawberries off of it every week this summer.  In fact, he just harvested two more sweet red berries to eat earlier tonight!

Were there any berries growing in your garden this summer?  And of course, what do you think about blog post titles?


  1. I LOVE that. My kids are both entranced by nature and how things grow. That is the sweetest thing that he has taken care of the plant all by himself - what an accomplishment!

    Titles are hard...sometimes I think mine are witty...and they are not and then in html land I am stuck with them forever and no one knows what the post is about. I am getting better! I'll be by in the am to check out some of those other titles.

  2. You're right, "Strawberry Charm" is an excellent title. It's an accurate description of the post, but it's also got an appealing ring to it. I REALLY need to improve my post titles - sigh!

  3. What fun! What a great memory! Stopping from SITS!

  4. I like your "Strawberry Charm" title.

    Visiting from SITS, here's mine:

  5. Strawberry Charm is a cute title! I think it would make a cute name for a bed and breakfast.

  6. I visited you on Monday, but missed yesterday, sorry!! Adorable title...I picture the sun and warm weather when I say the title!!
    I love it when the kids bring plants home and the kids always get a kick out of it!!
    blessings, Monica

  7. ahh... karen! i am truly blog post title challenged and my blog posts are not witty either! i keep trying to learn from you and elise, but alas... it hasn't rubbed off. we had oodles of strawberries and some blueberries, too and my wee boy was in HEAVEN, picking them as they ripened! and the best part of it? the day he ran into the house to tell me "mom i picked some delectable strawberries"! mind you, he is 4 and i seriously don't know where he heard the word delectable! finally... thank you for the sweet comment on my design team post! you are the best!!

  8. I'm not so great at thinking of cool blog titles either. I'm working on that. haha.

  9. Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
    like this in the past? Keep up the great work!


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