
Thursday, February 24, 2011

GFCF Pizza & Movie Night ~ Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop

Tomorrow is Friday, which means it's Movie Night in our house.  Well, its Movie Night for the kidlets with GFCF (gluten & casein free) pizza, followed by GFCF popcorn and a movie of their mutual choosing (May I stress the word mutual??!!  They are learning the fine art of negotiating while taking on the task of agreeing on a movie to watch!).

But, let's get back to the GFCF pizza!  The first time my boy wanted pizza after we transitioned to GFCF over three years ago, I was dreading it.  I did not want to have to make a pizza crust from scratch and roll it out every time. (Go ahead, call me lazy. Really, it's okay.  On a Friday night, I'll admit it.  I want easy!)

And then I found Amy's Kitchen frozen Rice Crust Spinach Pizza with soy cheese.  The kidlets both really liked the pizza.  However, we also try to stay soy free too, so it wasn't an optimal choice for us.

The hunt was on for an easy to make, inexpensive, gluten, casein (a protein in dairy), soy free pizza for the kidlets' Movie Night.  And then we hit the jackpot when someone suggested we try Udi's Pizza Crusts.  For less than $5 you get two frozen 8oz. pizza crusts.....premade, gluten, casein, soy free crusts!

Before I tried these crusts for the first time I tweeted that I had just picked some up and Heidi, of Adventures of a Gluten Free Mom, suggested I prebake the frozen crust for about seven minutes before loading it up and baking it per Udi's instructions for a toasty crust.  Can I just tell you how much I love Tweeps?!?! They ROCK!! :>

Something else I really love about using these crusts??  Since they are just the crust, we can make pizzas to order!  And while it changes every week, last Friday night's pizza was created with pizza sauce, Daiya vegan 'cheese' (gluten/casein/dairy/soy free cheese that smells like cheese, tastes good and MELTS!)...I was out of the mozzarella style shreds & layered on the cheddar style shreds instead, olives, onions, and yellow bell pepper (which the kidlets gobble like candy!).

My kidlets {heart} their pizzas, I don't have to make a crust from scratch, its healthy, and when they've gobbled their share on a Friday night, there is a movie and popcorn to follow.  And all of that makes for a fun Friday evening in this house!

Do you have Movie Night in your house?  Any traditions surrounding it?  Help me keep the pizza toppings fresh, what do you like atop your savory pizza pie?

Disclosure:  This post was Not sponsored.  We have eaten all of these products many times and enjoy them.  Links have been provided purely for your convenience and information, 'cause I'm a good Mama and all about the sharing! :>


  1. we have Friday Family Movie Nights at our house too. I usually make popcorn and we eat everything in the fridge that was left over during the week. Most anything goes well with either a sandwich, taco, tostada or sopes. Easy stuff that the kids can put together on their own without much help from me. The boys are now old enough where we can see some rated PG13 movies, that's a huge change from the rated G movies, lol.

  2. OH LOVE the pizza!!!!! It looks so tasty!

    Fridays or Saturdays are our movie night too. Sami has basketball tourni's out of town, so not sure what that will do to our evenings.. we are traveling back and forth... might have to order pizza and bring it home:)

  3. That sounds fantastic. My sis-n-law will love this.

  4. We have Friday or Saturday movie nights too, but since it is school vacation for us, we had an extra one tonight. We watched The Lion King and ate pepperoni and meatball pizza from Sam's Club. Not healthy, by any means, but it sure did taste good! Glad you found an easy and delicious pizza too. Enjoy!

  5. My favorite is just olives and pineapple. I love onion, peppers, and mushrooms too. Might be fun to do a taco pizza.

  6. That looks really good! I love pineapple on my pizza. :D

    We don't have movie night here (at least nothing Toot can watch yet) lol.


    Movie nights at your house look DELICIOUS! Yipeeee!

  8. Mmmmm yummy! I love homemade pizza sans having to make and roll out dough. THat crust looks perfect! Happy movie night!


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