
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tortured Souls ~ Microfiction Monday

It's time for Microfiction Monday with Susan, of Stony River! Write the shortest of short fiction, 140 characters or less (including spaces & punctuation) inspired by a picture Susan provides. Hope you'll come write along!

I warn you to watch your every step. With each open door passed, psychic memory flashes of tortured souls flood your very being.

(128 characters, including spaces & punctuation)

What would you write?  What will you write?  Do you hear those haunted spirits crying out from their rooms??  Where does my mind go on these Microfiction Mondays?!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!  Ours continues for one more day with the kidlets home, even though Hubby has to work.  I see a Lego filled crafty kind of day ahead!  What does yours hold?


  1. I don't want to go there, scary for sure. But I do love to read about it. Excellent scare!

  2. I will be sure to remember this warning, you won't find me here anytime soon ;-)

  3. Nice idea. Even worse than ghosts, perhaps: free-floating bad memories.

  4. Like spirits with a twist! A good one!

  5. Karen,
    I am new to micro ficition Mondays and just discovered and signed onto your blog as a follower. Please do the same on mine I like your introduction about yourself.

  6. Sounds like a hallway I want to avoid at all costs...

  7. Sounds like a hallway I'd want to avoid at all costs!

  8. Definitely don't want to get caught in that hallway!! Terrific take on the pic of the day, Karen! Have a great week!


  9. Sounds spooky, like the Hotel California!

  10. Reading this one at night would scare the bee geesus out of me-LOL! Great tale!

  11. I'm with Mrs. Fence. Welcome to the Hotel California. You can check out any time, but you can never leave. Eeeeiiuu.

  12. Scary one this week! I think I would not walk past any more of those doors--turn around, turn around!!!
    Great micro fiction.

  13. That is a very cool micro fiction! Great job, not sure I can ever stop at 140 characters. (although Twitter makes me, lol)

  14. spooky and vivid in 128 characters. wow. that's how it's done, y'all!

  15. Very creative! I'll have to check her site out!

  16. WHAT a cool and haunting picture, Kare! I remember going down a hallway at Kirby Cove in the Marin Headlands when I was a kid - I was TERRIFIED! This is SUCH fun!


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