
Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Shoe Fairy ~ Microfiction Monday #72

It's time for Microfiction Monday with Susan, of Stony River! Write the shortest of short fiction, 140 characters or less (including spaces & punctuation) inspired by a picture Susan provides. Hope you'll come write along!

With my pixie dust puff, the intended will be spry and light as a wispy weed's seed in the breeze. Seek your next adventure...slip it on!

(135 characters, including spaces & punctuation)

Hope you had a fun weekend! It seemed to be a movie weekend for us.  There was the usual Friday night, Movie Night for the kidlet's, who got to see How To Train Your Dragon (that Hubby & I enjoyed and *had* to watch with them!) for the first time and Inception arrived for us grownups.  What new movies have you seen?


  1. "wispy weed's seed in the breeze. Seek..." I love the alliteration and repetitive "ee"...very poetic prose. I like the upbeat, adventurous feel to this story. It's a happy microfiction!

  2. I think I'll slip that shoe right on now! Would love the adventure!
    Good and uplifting.

  3. Loved this. It filled me with the anticipation and joy.

  4. Yes, please. I would REALLY like to wear THAT shoe! My baby girl makes her own brand of pixie dust, but all it does is make me want to drop everything and CUDDLE! {I like that, too, but it's HARD to get stuff done, if ya know what I mean! ACK!} This was FUN, Kare! I love creative writing YOU!

  5. Enchanted shoes for a long journey?

  6. I am curious to see where it will take her

  7. Very cheering story on a cold Monday morning. Thank you.

  8. Fresh thinking there, and the idea is certainly an attractive one.

  9. Now that sounds like great material for a brilliant children's story! :O)

  10. Wispy Weed sounds like a good name for an ugly fairy!

  11. great idea! adventure- always good, thanks-

  12. I'd like to go on an adventure like that one. Lovely! :O)

  13. Where can I get a shoe with such a magical spell?

  14. I want me a pair of shoes like those!!

  15. Ohhh--can I have a pair of those shoes? I need adventure in my life right now...
    Loved your mm...have a great week. Cheers~

  16. I like your fairy blessings. Reminds me dandelions will soon be here.

  17. Your words flow awfully well-very creative!

  18. That shoe might just well FIT my fat feet...grin!
    Thanks for good 140.

  19. How whimsical and sweet! Definitely one of my favourites....:)

    Imagination Lane

  20. So beautiful and delicate, nice poem!

    My kids loved How to Train Your Dragon!

    Stopped over from TRDC :-)

  21. I find microfiction, flash fiction, short fiction - all of that - to be really fascinating. Especially, using it for "Twitter stories." That was really good. I've always been more long-winded in my writing, so I find this challenging. However, it's definitely good practice for condensing your writing, especially for novelists, so they won't get too wordy. Good job! Will have to try this sometime.

  22. Wow! I'm impressed. I can't even get a tweet to stay under 140 characters!! LOVED it.

  23. Missing microfiction?

    I'm hosting a new microfiction meme.
    Succinctly Yours
    begins on Monday, March 28th. Check out the link for the photo and optional word.
    Hope you'll join in.


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