
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Highly Prized: The Sketchbook Challenge meets Inspiration Everywhere

Still continuing with the Inspiration Everywhere class from the end of last my pace.  And today, the next prompt for that class, Hands, meets The Sketchbook Challenge's January Theme, Highly Prized.


Pulled out my watercolor crayons to wash on the background (while my wee girl painted with the watercolors Santa brought her)...

Watercolor Background

And when it was dry...  Remember when wee girl & I got a handle on some pink painted playtime? Well, this is where I stamped that uber pink hand o' mine:

Highly Prized

And then I got to journaling on my take on The Sketchbook Challenge's January theme:  Hands. Highly Prized. Hands.

So much fun to pull a brush, get my hands all gooped up, and write away!  Are you participating in The Sketchbook Challenge?  If you are, let me know so that I can come see what you are creating! :>

(Also, I've been made aware that some people are having trouble viewing my blog in its entirety - left sidebar, body/content, right sidebar.  If you are, I do apologize.  I am trying to figure out what's going on.  Though it is definitely a challenge as I can see the whole site.  Just want to say that I'm looking into it!  Hope you'll hang in there with me! :>)

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  1. so cute
    I teach a CUTE little church class called the Little Creators!
    so, Im thinking that this will be a GREAT project for my little ladies


  2. This is a beautiful project, the use of watercolour, text and handprints, I had to come over and check out your link at the Weekend Wrap Up and so glad I did, I am not aware of the sketchbook challenge so I am going to find out what it's all about.

  3. This is beautiful. I adore the colors and the hand adorable! I am tickled Pink (and so behind!)

  4. What beautiful art journaling. I've wanted to take the leap into art journaling myself, and your creative work certainly has me feeling inspired. Love the watercolor and bold hand print! So glad I saw your feature on Tickled Pink! Jenn/Rook No. 17


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