
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blizzard Bloghop 2011

Hello there!  I'm Karen and Time Crafted is my little online home.  I'm participating in the Blizzard Bloghop, are you?

While 'Blizzard' is quite appropriate for many places around the northern hemisphere, the weather is a bit different here.  Its not quite as warm as it was when I took you with us on our country drive last week, but its still sunny here, in California.  And since the warmest jacket I have is the hoodie I stole from Hubs, that's a good thing. :>

Speaking of Hubs, I'm married and have two sweet & energetic kidlets.  One rocks video games, Harry Potter & Lego bricks and the other makes sweet music with anything creative

My princess of a wee girl and I love to get our creative on whenever we can.  When I began blogging, I was primarily sharing cards here (think this one is my favorite) and while I still love papercrafts, I've been enjoying spreading my creative wings to photography (I'm on Flickr, come say hi!), writing, altered journals, and painting.  I'm taking Ali Edward's One Little Word class this year and participating in The Sketchbook Challenge (both links are in my sidebar).  I'll be sharing what I create with both, here on the blog.

Some other bits & pieces you'll find on Time Crafted are posts on others' creative talents here and great places to be found in cyberspace that are oh so Worth the Click, friends (come meet the Four Musketeers :>), a little on autism and GF/CF (gluten & casein free) cooking.  Oh!  And of course, the Little Things that Make Me Smile....'cause the little great stuff can add up to being waaaay bigger than the harder to deal with big stuff!

If you want to chat, you can of course, find me here, or zip me an email or on Twitter! :>

I'm looking forward to hopping today and all through the weekend!  Its always great to meet new peeps, have a laugh or get inspired from around the globe.  Hope you'll hop along, so I can find YOU and say hello!


  1. New follower and fellow crafter!

  2. I have a son that still loves 13. Nice to find your blog.

  3. I've been hopping over from the blog-hop and really like your blog. Hope you are having a great day in California and to read more from you.


  4. Hi! It is so great to meet you through this fun blog hop! I love learning new crafts, I am so un creative that I really need the inspiration :)

  5. Hi Karen!

    Thanks for hopping my way today. I absolutely adore the definition of your blog title. Very nice!

    Happy hopping!

  6. This sounds like fun! I hope I have a free moment this weekend to hop on by :)

  7. Hi Karen!!
    Everything looks great and I can "see" it!! (I'm on the laptop tho, so I will check out my computer when I get back home today!) I love learning more about you! I think I missed a couple of posts here so I'll catch up tonite! Thanks for the good thoughts btw! I'll lyk what happens!xoxo

  8. A Californian?!?!? I finally find a California Girl! Me too!! woot woot!! Nice to meet you!!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's nice to "meet" you too. I love paper crafts too, but I get bored easily and move on to something else. :)

  10. If only I could find my camera cord! We got over a foot of snow in three hours!! I miss CA and your blog just mades it worse! (But I still adore it!)

  11. Your journals and cards are so fun! Hoping over from the bloghop.

  12. I´m doing One Little Word as well. I´m still stuck on the photo of me, but I have found the perfect quote, and I´m very satisfied with that! (I´m Siri F. on BPC)


Thank You for visiting! I appreciate and am grateful for all of You who craft some of Your time to leave me comments!