
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Frame it up!

Over the summer, the kidlets got their paint on.  I had held these two paintings aside as not only were the kidlets quite proud of their artwork, but their joint painting experience was a very pleasant summer memory of all of ours. 

Yes, they've painted many a time before, but this particular experience was unique in that my sweet boy attacked his blank piece of paper with a plan (to create a spaceship) and wee girl, who I believe was simply in that 'lay down color' mode changed her painting to share her experience with her brother and suddenly began painting space ships and asteroids.

And now they are hanging at the beginning of our hallway, still visible from the living & dining rooms and they make all of us smile to see those bright pops of color and sweet summer memories.

Do you have your kidlets art up on your walls?  Do you have your own creative pursuits up or out to share?

(Speaking of creative pursuits, the next page in the art journal started for the Inspiration Everywhere class by Jessica Sprague will be posted tomorrow, so come back & see where a pair of Levi's took me!)

Linking up for Wordful Wednesday at:


  1. Love the art work! Your kidlets are very talented. I used to have Jacob's art work on the walls, but then he said it was "embarrassing" so now I frame his photographs.

  2. You and YOUR SWEET KIDS are fabulous! I could totally lose myself in that paint - EXQUISITE! What a terrific share, darlin' KARE! Yipeeee!

  3. Awww, these are so bright and happy- I love them! You must be one proud momma! They definitely have your artisticness!!! xoxo

  4. I LOVE that you framed their artwork. It looks fabulous!

  5. Oh what fun! I LOVE kid art!!! Such talented kids you have. Hope you're having a great week and enjoying the new year. I sure am!

  6. well well, looks like the apples don't fall far frm their tree! bravo to the little artists! I love kid art on the walls!

  7. These are so special. I love the color combos and I bet they look perfect on the wall! We had many lovely days like this last summer and even over the holiday break. I am enjoying my kiddos so much!

    My house has projects and creations everywhere....for Christmas I bought Jules a real artist box and filled it with art supplies (kid friendly of course) it is her pride and joy. It tickles me pink!

  8. Love the paintings! DH and I are big fans of "local talent." We have our own paintings from high school art classes, plus his sisters from high school art class hanging around the house. It's only natural that we have our son's art and our niece's art up, too!

  9. Love all of the creative talent!
    Thank you for linking this into Time Travel Tuesday - what a great post to share!

    (its still not showing up quite right on my screen - bizarre!)

  10. Found you through Time Capsule Tuesday. The frames and art look amazing! I save TONS of my children's art with the intention of framing it...has yet to happen.

  11. I have a lot of it up on the fridge. I love this paintings!

    Stopping from Time Travel Tuesday!


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