
Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Little Word 2011

Wooohooo!!!  A new year, there is something so refreshing about that.  I am still in a bit o' shock that we have said good-bye to the first decade of this century.  Ten years ago, I was a newlywed, didn't have kidlets, and in a completely different state of mind.  But, change and hopefully, growth, is not a bad thing.  In fact, it can be a great thing.

Last year, I jumped on the idea of using One Little Word, {Life},to inspire, motivate, guide throughout the year and I am going to again for 2011.  But, I would like to weave my word throughout my life more this year and so I've signed up for Ali Edward's One Little Word workshop at Big Picture Classes.

My word for 2011 has been dancing around in my head since about the end of November and now that its officially the first day of January of the new year, I can't wait to play with it all year long and see where it leads!



Do you have One Little Word to guide, inspire, motivate you this year?  Do you write or make resolutions?  What do you hope 2011 holds for you?


  1. beautiful.Belated wishes for the happy and properous new year 2011

  2. How perfect! Happy New Year's to you, sweet friend! I know what you mean about the past 10, but it's SO great to be consumed with the possibility of a brand NEW decade! Lots of opportunity... to GROW!


  3. ahhh... the year 2000 seems like such a long time ago and now it is 2011! no real resolutions hear, except to continue to grow as a papercrafter and devote more time to my design team projects! but i'm really going to be looking forward to see how you grow this year, karen! it has been so fun getting to "know" you through this crazy blogging thing!!

  4. so glad you agree about the vintage hardware! aaaaaand thank you for following! ;D

  5. Oh LOVE your word!!! This is going to be a great decade, I can 'feel' it:)

    Happy New Year! And see you in Ali's class!

  6. haha, you're right! If i had the spam problem I would definitely do what you do! :)

    love, polly

  7. Hello Sweet Friend,

    Refreshing indeed and I'm so looking forward to 2011. I love your one little word "grow". It's so important to take all our experiences, good and bad and grow from them. I guess my one little word for 2011 would be "hope". Hope that many things will be resolved in 2011, hope that my broken body will be mended and the hope for better things ahead.

    I can't tell you how happy I am when I see a comment from ALWAYS brings a smile to my face. I adore you Karen and here's "hoping" that 2011 brings you everything you dream for!

  8. Happy New Year! I am sitting in Seattle with a long layover, so I decided to try catch up on my blurfing! I love your word for 2011. I think mine will be "LIGHT". No real reason...other than I don't have much of it in the winter! LOL

  9. Reading your word gave me shivers! There's so much possibility in it. Happy New Year!

  10. What a cool idea! I'm going to have to think of a word for the new year. Good luck with yours!


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