
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

WW: #photoadayjuly wrap up

Never thought I would enjoy a photo-a-day challenge, but it turns out I do!  I'm playing along with Fat Mum Slim and shared the first half of July's photos last month.  Here's the second half (July 17th-31st):

Stack o' stoneware in my kitchen cupboard.

Bonnie was most uncooperative for her photo shoot, but when you're a cat and you're eighteen, you kind of get your way...more than usual.

Two of my four eyes!

Movie night for the grownups, a la Netflix.

What's next to me, right now.

Small mirror from my Aunt, on the wall next to the front door.

Son has gotten into watching PBS's Nova with his Dad.  This time "Hunting the Elements" provided cool facts, stranger than fiction!

A family trip to the movies to see Disney-Pixar's 'Brave' was oh so smileworthy!

I asked my girl what we should use for today's sunshine pic - she promptly picked a dandelion and held it to her chin.  The theme might have been #sunshine, but it seems the theme from the day before, #heart, was still running strong.

Learned something new while taking this pic...when you're squatting in the road and neighbors are driving by, they will stop and ask if you're okay...making today's pic with a more appropriate theme of #lookingoddintheneighborhood!

My sweet girl was picking more flowers in the backyard again.  And when she put her rose into her old toddler Seattle Seahawks cup, I knew it was time to click.

Getting ready for school with a new lunch box from Costco for my girl.

A sea of paint colors to play with...yes.

Toothbrush?! It was on the list, a new supply just came home from that Costco trip, so I snapped a pic....did I mention it was on the list?!

That wraps up July. It's been so much fun, I'm continuing on with #photoadayaug this month, sharing on Instagram as @timecrafted, come say hello & let me know if you're playing along!


Angry Julie Monday


  1. I have to say I love my 365 project. It has really forced to me to take lots more images and I have found my work improving as a result.


  2. Fun! I just started #photoaday yesterday - a bit late - because it seems like so much fun. Love your pictures!

  3. I had never heard of Take Shelter, so I looked up the trailer, and wow. Off to rent that here in a bit!

  4. Wow, those are great pictures!
    Looks like you're doing just fine with the photo-a-day challenge!

  5. I love that sunshine picture! So pretty. And I love how creative you are with the theme of the day...and also, how caring your neighbors are. ;)

  6. Visiting from jenni from the blog's Wordless Wednesday! :)


  7. Photo challenges are so much fun! Loved this!

  8. Cool pics, and that mirror is awesome!


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