
Monday, May 7, 2012

Thawing out from a blog freeze!

Saying that time is zipping by faster than a speeding bullet might be true, but leaves me to lay in a heaping pile o' cliches. So, I'm just going to leave that pile and start fresh.

After an extended blogging break, I'm trying to make my way back. Something that I started participating in last year that I was surprised to find great enjoyment in was Microfiction Mondays. And while that original meme is no longer, I'm going to hop back in here with a photo I took a few months ago and a wee bit o' microfiction.

I know we're all running towards summer in this hemisphere right now, but since my writing went into deep freeze for a bit, this seemed a fitting way to jump back in. Hope you like it!

Ice Crystals 

Wicking icy webs over the window pane, enclosing their still breathing bodies in an icy tomb; they’re left listening to silence screech each aching moment by.

Life has been really good here - just crazy busy!  Where's life taking you these days?


  1. I love that photo! It reminds me of the winter we had last year - Winter 2012 missed my area. Though it wouldn't shock me to see a surprise May Snowstorm.

    The title of your blog is great, too. I like how it is defined. Certainly gave me something to think about in terms of how I spend my time.


  2. That is one chilling bit of microfiction girl! Glad to see you back. So busy here too and neglecting the blog a little. I still manage to get 1 or 2 posts up each week, but I don't go crazy if 1 post per week is all I can manage. Life happens!

  3. I love the impact you put into such a short piece. The photo is great as well. I also understand how crazy life can get as mine has not been exactly calm lately! Good luck and I hope things calm down at least a little for you!


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