
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sending off Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak changed visual possibilities and perspective for children's books where dark illustrations and ideas were not off limits, regardless of the reader's age.  He's best known for Where the Wild Things Are.  And the world lost him today, at age 83, but he left so much of himself behind for generations to come to relish.

I found this quote by Sendak and think it speaks volumes.

“Live your Life.
 Live your Life.
  Live your Life.”


  1. What a great sendoff for such an influential author. It's always sad to hear that someone has passed, but his stories will definitely live on for years to come. Thanks for linking up!

  2. Great tribute to a wonderful writer! And welcome back to blog land. I've missed you. (although I'm still a bit guilty for being absent myself). xoxo

  3. Oh no! I hadn't heard. :o( But 83 - what a full life he must have had! I've enjoyed Where The Wild Things Are since I was young! Sometimes I'd rather read children's books than adult ones. :o)

  4. Beautiful. I loved the book Where the Wild Things Are. I remember first having it read to me when I was in Kindergarten or Grade One.

    Great tribute to a wonderful writer :)

  5. A great tribute to a wonderful writer indeed!
    I loved the book Where the Wild Things Are and remember having it read to me in Grade One.

  6. Fantastic quote.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my SITS day! And for the compliment on my header. I spent way longer on that then I should have.... Anyways it's really nice to meet you!


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