
Monday, May 21, 2012

Things I Need to Just.Be.Enough.

I need....

...time and motivation to create...with paint, with words, with a camera, with pencils, with whatever.  Creating something is like travelling down a winding path, deep in the woods, simply experiencing what's just around the corner.

...connections...with my husband, my children, my friends, with people known for many years, with new someones stepping into my life.

...anticipation...for what comes next, for who is to come, for what is just a few steps away, for what will take a long journey to reach.

...sights...images to plainly see, pictures to see by looking closer, the grand vista, the ittiest bittiest detail, what sights my eyes survey everyday, the images I'm lucky enough to glimpse when looking from another angle. capture me and carry me off, to inspire me to create, to remind me to connect in new ways, to spark my anticipation, to cast new shadows and light to every sight waiting to be seen.

Sure, there are specifics like painting with my daughter, music to write with, country drives both solo and with my kidlets, but specifics change as I change.  And thinking through this simple little question, these broad categories are what hold me, in the past, in the present, and hopefully in my future as well.

What things do you need to just be enough?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sending off Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak changed visual possibilities and perspective for children's books where dark illustrations and ideas were not off limits, regardless of the reader's age.  He's best known for Where the Wild Things Are.  And the world lost him today, at age 83, but he left so much of himself behind for generations to come to relish.

I found this quote by Sendak and think it speaks volumes.

“Live your Life.
 Live your Life.
  Live your Life.”

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thawing out from a blog freeze!

Saying that time is zipping by faster than a speeding bullet might be true, but leaves me to lay in a heaping pile o' cliches. So, I'm just going to leave that pile and start fresh.

After an extended blogging break, I'm trying to make my way back. Something that I started participating in last year that I was surprised to find great enjoyment in was Microfiction Mondays. And while that original meme is no longer, I'm going to hop back in here with a photo I took a few months ago and a wee bit o' microfiction.

I know we're all running towards summer in this hemisphere right now, but since my writing went into deep freeze for a bit, this seemed a fitting way to jump back in. Hope you like it!

Ice Crystals 

Wicking icy webs over the window pane, enclosing their still breathing bodies in an icy tomb; they’re left listening to silence screech each aching moment by.

Life has been really good here - just crazy busy!  Where's life taking you these days?