
Friday, October 28, 2011

Meet Me on the Mountain

Maggie:           U going 2 hit moguls w me this time? I’ve got ur lift tickets & my season pass. Meet me @ cabin so we can hit slopes 2gether! lmk if u need me 2 bring anything else!

Adrianna:        Thx Mags!

Lauren:            I’ve got Cass & rental. Heading 4 mountains now!

Cassie:             Seriously need 2 invest n electric sock company. Gonna freeze my a** off!

Maggie:           LOL! No ur not. Ur gonna b huddled n front of fire n lodge w warm cocktail all day, prob flirtin ur a** off!

Lauren:            Bwahahaha!

Adrianna:        See if he’s got a friend this time, will u?!

Cassie:             Hmm…like a 2 for 1. Will do!

Write On Edge: Red-Writing-HoodLast week, Write on Edge prompted us to write a text with a 160 word limit.  I got really hung up on the text message part of it and chose to write it as a piece of microfiction, still within the word limit.

This week, Write on Edge has prompted us to write a piece where athleticism plays a role.  Glossing over the text message part of the prompt last week has been irking me.  And being irked for a whole week is kind of ridiculous.

So, to let my subconscious rest, I decided to tackle this week's prompt that had a 400 word limit within last week's format, coming in at 111 words and putting out that annoying irking whisper in my head!

What do you think?


  1. Ha! I love it!

    A challenge not met is absolutely the kind of thing that keeps me up at night, too!

    I think this is an excellent and creative response and set up some great characters :)

  2. I found you through the Red Writing Hood prompt. I'm really new to the "follow a writing prompt and link back" concept, and yet I already understand COMPLETELY what you mean about getting irked with yourself for glossing over part of a prompt. I'm feeling bugged by the way I came at a prompt from The Lightning Bug this week. I like - LOVE - the result. But I don't know whether I was creative or a cheaterpants.

  3. Oh, I love a girl that takes on a challenge.

    I swear, I've had almost this exact same conversation. People ski for all sorts of reasons!

  4. This is awesome!!! I don't think any of us minded that your link-up last week wasn't exactly in the bounds of the prompt, what you wrote was enjoyable regardless. But I love that you decided to use the texting in this prompt, it's a really different take and ended up being a great exercise in real dialogue that can't rest on exposition!

  5. Ha! I enjoyed it. Makes we want to snuggle up to a fire with warm socks and a cocktail.

  6. Definitely realistic dialogue between friends. You can see which ones are the "athletic" ones and those who sit in the lodge :)

  7. Love it! Txt speak usually makes me nuts; I enjoyed this!

  8. Oh I really hate it when stories keep me up all night. I know exactly how you feel, and I really like these texts. It was definitely a fun read!

  9. Great combining of the prompts, and I love that they're skiing, especially as there's an inch of new snow on my yard tonight!

  10. It is so hard to do these small pieces of fiction. I liked it.


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