
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Keep Calm and Write On

Oh no, I think I may have disappeared into that Fantasy Land that I was wishing for!  Actually, that cold my wee girl had came and visited me when it was nearly done with her.  And, of course, it took up residence in my face, nose & throat the week I was getting ready for my inlaws' visit to celebrate my kidlet's birthday.  (Yes, Murphy and I are grande friends! ;>)

So, now it's time to play catch up!  And I can't think of a better way to get started than to show you a little something I won from the uber fabulous, Mandy of In Mandyland, during her bloggiversary celebration week (yes, it was awhile ago...told you I was playing catch up!).

Keep Calm and Write On

I picked up an inexpensive frame at Michael's and currently, it stares at me from across my living room, reminding me to click clack across the keyboard.  And though I haven't blogged since that cold started squatting in my head, I have been writing.  So this Etsy print is doing its job!

When you have a moment and your favorite cuppa, click your way over to Fictional Mandyland to read some of her juicy Hidden Hollow series or read how she corrupts the blueberry or read a piece that's on my rather long list of favorite Mandy posts.

While you're getting your proper does o' Mandy, follow her on Twitter too...she's witty, funny, and the Queen of the Hashtag.  She is so Worth the Click and I'm sure you'll love your time there.  Tell her I said hello! :>

Let's BEE Friends


  1. You are seriously sweet!!

  2. I discovered InMandyland earlier this week and spent at least an hour reading Hidden Hollow stories! :-)

  3. Sorry to hear you've been down with a cold my friend! Glad you're back! :)

  4. Congratulations on the award and I'm sorry you are under the weather. Feel better soon!

  5. THIS is WONDERFUL! So perfect for lovely YOU and a trip to Michael's??? What a wonderful excuse! This is now a true keepsake! LOVE it, dear!


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