
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Brush Away Boredom

Mama’s Losin’ It

Rollin' & writing along with Mama Kat's third prompt today:  share a favorite craft or game that will keep your kids busy for at least 20 minutes.

Somehow, the phrases, "I'm bored." and "I don't know what to do." have sauntered into our home within the last year and they kind of make me a wee bit batty.  Each time, I take a deep breath and rattle off at least a couple dozen suggestions.  Sometimes one will spark an idea in their sweet heads and other times, not a one will do.

There are however, a couple of activities that will keep them self entertained for much longer than twenty minutes.  My boy will fly with a few of his thousands of Lego bricks or a good book or a Star Wars board game or an adventure outside.  It all depends on what mood is striking at the moment.

My girl, however, can be in any kind of mood for one particular activity and it will keep her busy for far longer than twenty minutes (more like hours).  What is that magic activity?  Why, it's painting!

If I'm pulling out acrylic paints and the mood is right, my boy will hop in and paint along side his li'l sis, but lately she's had an itch for watercolors and apparently, that's not his style.

So, with an inexpensive pad of watercolor paper from Walmart and the little Crayola paint set Santa left in her stocking last Christmas, she has been painting away.  It costs pennies and provides so much in return.

And in all honesty, watching her paint - sticking the tip of her tongue out as she concentrates, singing a song when the colors are flowing just right, gasping out loud when she discovers a new way to pull the brush - ends up giving those around her as much joy as she's experiencing in the process.

Sometimes, I get stuff done while she's painting (or both of them, if her brother joins in), but it's even better when I pick up my own brush and lay some color on canvas, right along side them.  It is most definitely smile worthy!

What keeps your kids busy?  What do you do to stave off your own boredom?


  1. that's a good one! Visiting from Mama Kat's...

  2. We may have to get out our paint sets again- visiting from the MK blog hop!

  3. He heeee! I love the painting! What a sweet thing to have in common with your girl. Answering the boredom question...hmmmmm....this year we hit the water as much as possible: beach, pool, sprinklers whatever, as long as it was water :) There was some origami and friendship bracelt making too!

  4. Lovely painting! Funny, Buddha loves to paint too! He makes a big ol' mess and I just let him enjoy himself. Monkey is amused by a variety of things, he loves to play Candyland, do puzzles, and play with cars or mini skateboards. Depends on the mood! If all else fails and they haven't been watching too much TV, I will let them watch a movie. That will fill up 2 hrs. :)


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