
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Got Artichoke?

We do!  Wee girl & I picked up a 2 1/2" artichoke starter plant from a local organic farm (well, the plant was started at a local organic farm, which we bought at Whole Foods) last year and planted it in our veggie garden.  And apparently, that little arti plant really liked its new home!


It started so small and now, it's almost up to the top of the fence with a half dozen artichokes growing on it.  The initial plant was $2.50 and with the price of artichokes today (saw some on sale at Safeway for $3 each the other day), if we even get one good one off of it (though it looks like we'll have many more than that), it will have paid for itself in full.

Pretty cool, huh?!  We think so.  We're also nurturing our boy's strawberry plant, in hopes it produces more yummy fruit for the third year in a row now.  And our graphed apple tree blossomed for the first time this year and already has little mini apples growing on it.  All of this and we haven't even planted any new vegetables yet.  Yup, pretty cool.

What's growing in your garden right now?  Anything new you plan to get into the ground or a pot this month?

Tidy Mom


  1. Hello Sweet Friend!

    Oh how I have missed you!! I tried to grow artichokes last year but wasn't as nearly successful as you. Aren't they so yummy?...I love them roasted with garlic.

    I'm thinking I need to plant some tomatoes pronto as I paid $3.35 for two tomatoes the other day...ouch! I think of you often and hope life is treating you well.

  2. Ohh! Lucky you! I love artichokes and you are so right about the grocery price. Eee gads! Enjoy!

  3. oh wow, artichokes are my fave!! That's so awesome you grow your own veggies! I need to model myself more after you in regards to feeding my kids- and speaking of, I saw your tweet about the spinach and strawberry smoothie- you'll need to tell me what exactly you put in that, it sounds like something I'd like to try! have a great day! and thanks so much for all the blog love- you're the best (even if ya are a Hawks fan!!!) love u!

  4. Oh wow. I'm having serious artichoke envy. I keep meaning to buy a few plants and plop them in the ground in our complex's common area. I don't have room in my own garden area.

    I've been working in my garden a lot the last couple of weeks. I've got some nice tomatoes, beans, peas, lettuce, spinach, basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, sage, chives, carrots, radishes, squash, corn, pumpkin, strawberries, grapes...ummm...yeah. I need to stay away from the nurseries.

  5. artichokes are kinda creepy looking in the seems-like-it's-gonna-turn-around-and-talk-to-me sort of way. Cool that you can grow them where you are, though.
    My boy came home from school with a planted sunflower seed.....but he was so excited to show me that he tripped and dirt flew everywhere. It's not maybe it got lost. He was all excited, too.
    The only thing I have growing right now is basil. It's fun because I twist the trunks together like a money tree so it can grow taller.

  6. Wow, that's a gorgeous picture! Glad the new toy is working so well :) Basil from Trader Joe's last summer is still producing. Keep meaning to get to Navelet's or OSH and pick up strawberry and tomato plants for the balcony, but other projects have been taking precedence. Did I mention I bought a new quilting machine??? Still need to figure out how to use it...

  7. You're gowing your own artichokes? That is so awesome! Food tastes best when you grow it yourself, doesn't it?


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