
Friday, January 7, 2011

From Lego Landslide to Organized!

Do you remember when I posted about my boy's Lego Landslide last month?  Thousands (not exaggerating in the slightest here, more like an understatement!) of Lego bricks took over our living room floor, upon a full white sheet for a week.

But, I had us on a mission (inspired by this post by Ali Edwards), a mission to organize those little colorful plastic, hurt your feet when you step on them, easily get sucked up by the vacuum cleaner, fantastically imagination fostering bits, bricks, pieces, and parts.

And we did it!!  They took up so much floorspace that there was only room for two of us to sit on the floor at any given time and work on separating them.  So, we all took turns working and separating and sorting all those thousands of lego bricks by color.

Note:  These drawer units are no longer available, but many of these alternatives would work in the same way.

We used two Sterilite 5 Drawer Storage Carts (wheels come with the units, but we left them off).  One drawer each for white, blue, black, red, yellow, grey, and a combo drawer with brown, tan, greens, and orange.  Mini figures, animals, and accessories got their own drawer....none of us, not even our son, had any idea that he had that many mini figures!!  The two double sized drawers at the bottom are filled with specialty parts.

When I shared the original lego post, an old high school friend on Facebook commented something to the effect that there's no way he'll keep them in this order & sorted (only because she's a mama and knows how often & easily kidlets can redisasterize, I'm sure!). 

Its been a month now and every single Lego is still in its proper home.  Don't get me wrong, his room can (& does) still explode with his other toys, but the Lego organization seems to be working for him.  Truthfully, I think he likes having his bedroom floor back and being able to find whatever Lego he wants, when he wants it!

Wee girl is getting some room organization of her own!  Look what Hubby came home from work with one day!!  One of his coworkers had it and offered it to him.  Of course, he knew his princess loving daughter, our Princess, would adore it and she does.

Its the beginning of a New Year, what organizing tips, tricks, adventures & tales do you have to tell?

Enjoy a good hop?  I do.  So, I'm linking up with:
504 MainTidy Mom I'm Lovin It Fridays

Disclosure:  The link to the sanity saving, organizing friendly Sterilite Drawers is an affiliate link, as are the Lego links.


  1. Oooooow, Kare! I'm purring with organization APPRECIATION! Great idea! This looks so inviting, I WANT TO PLAY WITH LEGOS!

    And that FANTASTIC doll house shelfy thing - MEOOOOOWWWW!

  2. oh... the joys of lego organization! my hubby has organized our Lego-phile for the SECOND time and hopefully this time it will stick! he says that it will, but...

    and what a sweet find your hubby brought home for your wee girl! she must be in princess heaven!

  3. Oh legos... the bane of my existence! They are like really really painful glitter -- they get EVERYWHERE and hurt a ton when you step on them! haha

    Organizing them is a MUST! <3 Now if only I could convince my husband that he's a little too old to be leaving legos everywhere... we don't even have kids yet!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  4. AWESOME job!!!! Very inspiring!!!

    m ^..^

  5. oh wow! awesome job!

    if i did that, it'd look like a landslide again in 5 minutes.

  6. i have never in my life seen legos more organized. i'm amazed. hope they stay that way!

  7. I am impressed. I need to do this...our legos are a mess. My son is freaked out about messing them up - he has it locked in his brain that sets cannot be used to make anything other than sets...oh boy!

  8. Love how you all joined in and got these organized! Makes me want to go down to the basement and dig out our box and sort, sort, sort them!

  9. My LegoMan heartily approves and instantly said "awww, Mum, why can't I have drawers like that?" So we'll definitely give it a try. Thanks! :)


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