
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Come take a {Country Drive} ~ Writer's Workshop

I'm playing along with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop again this week! With five prompts to choose from, I've got my foot on the gas for the number two: A photo journal entry…show us what winter looks like in your town.  Except, rather than IN town, I'm rollin' just outside of town and taking you with us on our one of our daily country drives!  Do hope you'll come along! :>

Roll your windows down, the sun is shinning, no fog in sight!  Tuesday we couldn't see more than a few feet ahead and the next morning the thermometer read fifty degrees, by the afternoon, we had passed seventy!  See?  Perfect day to get out & into the country!


We have numerous routes we take for our country drives, but you can bet there will always a vineyard or two...or three or four or more!

Gnarly Old Vine

Gnarly old vines capture my attention each and every time, looking like hands erupting from the earth with tales to tell!

Bare Tree

I loved gazing up at this tree, from below.

Bare Tree B&W

Loved it so much, couldn't decide to dress it in color or B&W!

Trees Almost There

You might remember these trees from their photo op back in November.  They were all dressed up in shades of gold & crimson and while many have shed their party clothes, it does look like there are a couple still hanging on with to their attire.

Whispering Tree 3.2

Hope you've got room for one more tree to see on this drive, but this tree hides its whispers the rest of the year beneath a coordinated skirt & shawl of verdant leaves.  Listen closely now, surely there's secrets to be shared.  I wonder what they'll be?

Nandina Bamboo Berries

And our country drive for the day comes to an end.  But, just before entering my front door, the Nandina bamboo berries called to me.  Aren't they pretty??  But, they're just for looking, no tasting now....when I went a Googling, I learned they are poisonous!  But, that's okay, they're feast enough for the least, I think so. :>

Would love for you to come say hello and tell me how the drive was! 

Mama's Losin' It


  1. I almost did this prompt...but forgot my camera when we went to the beach. I love a country drive like reminds me of the highway as I drive south on the 101 from the peninsula to L.A., through Paso Robles, Pismo...well, maybe you cannot see it from the streets w=but we used to hang out in that area a lot with the vineyards and they natural beauty! Thanks for taking me along on your drive. What's on the radio?

  2. You took such wonderful pictures... I loved the one where the road curved... gorgeous!
    Lovely quips too.
    Stopped by from Mamakat's workshop.

  3. Ooh, I do love those country drives! I live out in the country, too, and chose this prompt as well.

  4. wow! beautiful photos! that is SO not what my town looks like in winter :)

  5. Just lovely!! Stopping by from Mama Kat's.

  6. OH my gosh!!!!!! I LOVE these photos and so want to be there right now! I want to walk through those vineyards and feel the sun on my face!

    It's 26 degrees here, no sun, and a storm is a comin'. Snow on the ground as usual... rats...

    But California! Gorgeousness!

  7. Wow, sun and 70s sound great! I enjoyed the drive through the country with you. Hope you come by our blog and see how Cleveland winters are:

  8. So jealous of the green grass! I love the shot of the berries.

  9. Since we cannot get out and drive here in Hermon today, it was so nice to go on this drive with you. I went to California once, when I was younger, and it was beautiful. You live in a beautiful place! My winter (as you know) is totally white, and especially so today. It has been snowing since about 3am and hasn't stopped yet! Of course, it is beautiful to me here in the snow :)
    Thanks for taking me out on a drive with you. It was good to get away for a bit :)

  10. You have a talent with words, and a true artist's eye, Karen. I really enjoyed the road trip with you today. It's super sunny and summery here in Western Australia. Quite a contrast. Thanks for sharing your corner of the world with me today

  11. Beautiful pics. I love country drives too. Thanks for visiting my MM last week. I'm a little late with my visit but I finally made it :)

  12. Beautiful pictures! I am an avid wanna-be photographer, myself.

    Very nice :)

  13. Gorgeous shots! What a pretty piece of Earth yours is!


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