
Friday, September 17, 2010

Why I Blog ~ SITS Day Five

Today is the last day of the Back 2 Blogging event via SITS!

And I have had so much fun this week, not only in posting, but in visiting so many other wonderful SITSta bloggers and catching a ride along their journeys. 

Today, we have been asked to "write about what blogging means to you. Why do you blog? What purpose does it serve you and how have you benefited from sharing a piece of yourself online this way?"

Why I started blogging was much more vague than why I continue to blog now that I have dived into this online ocean. 

When I began blogging, I was serenaded by the creative & crafty, particularly papercrafts, even more specifically, stamped papercrafts.  Once I waded into blogging and inhaled the vapors of this amazing world, I was hooked. 

While papercrafts will always hold a very special place in my heart & inky, stampy hands (I started stamping in '94, scrapbooking in 2000...yup, after sixteen years, I think my love is here to stay!), I was hooked on the creativity that exists across the board and no longer wanted to limit myself to papercrafts.  I wanted to celebrate all kinds of creativity and began to share friends' & family members' creations as well as explore new ways to adventure through my own creativity.

All the while and from the beginning, I've been me, a Mama of two amazing kidlets, a wife to Hubby, a friend, daughter, sister, and yes, since February 2009, a blogger. 

And yes, blogging has given me the technical, aka kept my skills current, forced me (sometimes unwillingly) to learn to read a bit of html and even write a line or two, and taught me what social media is (and yet every time I even start to blink, there is more to learn!).

And yes, blogging lets me write and write and write.  I've been writing since I was a kidlet...its where I find my voice, where I am braver, where I can play.  And can I just tell you, I am sure that since I began blogging, my wonderful friends are probably thrilled that I do not write novel length emails to them so much anymore (occasionally, I still sneak them in....shhhh! :>).

With all that, blogging has given me something even greater than I ever imagined.  I have been amazed, time and time again at the community that is amongst bloggers, around the world.  Always curious how other people live, in different parts of my own country and across the globe, its the connections that have formed via this wonderful world of blogging that keep me writing, learning, and full of inspiration.

So, why do I blog?  To write, to learn, to find inspiration & hopefully inspire a wee bit myself, to connect, to learn some more, to appreciate where I am in life, to aspire to where I might go, and to continue to seek out and find the little bits & pieces o' life that make me {smile}.

Amazing what we can find in places that we never even knew to look.


Thanks to Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath, and Florida Builder Appliances for sponsoring SITS Back 2 Blogging and offering up the uber beautiful Turquoise Sky Thelma & Louise from Electrolux! 


  1. Well said! Blogging truly has a treasure trove of benefits, doesn't it?

  2. You hit the nail on the head here! Blogging is so fun and interesting. You make a good point about it keeping you up-to-date on technology too!

    Stopping by from SITS. Here's mine if you get a chance:

  3. Those are some great reasons to blog. I agree with you. Why I keep blogging is so much different from why I got started in the first place.

  4. i love reading everything you write. i am glad you are still a blogger!

  5. Fantasic reasons to blog...and it was fantasic getting to know you!!
    Even though this challenge is at an end, I will be back!!

    Blessings, Monica

  6. It's so interesting to read all the reasons why people got started blogging -- everyone's start and interests seem so varied, unique.

    But one thread seems to be common among us: what we've found here is community. I have made real, dear friends online in the blogosphere and I value those friendships as much as those I've made in the "real" world :-)

    Glad I found your blog. Look forward to staying in touch!

    Amanda Broadfoot
    "Life is a Spectrum"
    Latest post: "I blog because Spock and JFK told me to..."

  7. Absolutely beautiful. Blogging is amazingly freeing and a little selfish even, but as moms who give and give we deserve it.

    I love and relate to these reasons completley.

    I love papercrafts! All kinds - stamped, ink, cutting - I LOVE paper!

    Have I told you that you might be the best commenter in the blogland! You rock!

  8. well i'm glad to stopped by today too!

    yeah, if i hadn't admitted to blogging for avoidance purposes i'd have felt guilty ALL NIGHT. =)

    i understand what you mean about writing & writing & writing. i'm the same way. it's good to have a place to put all the words that are floating around in my head, cause sometimes it feels like i'm gonna drown! =)

    have a great weekend.

  9. I love blogging and Hubby is telling me I am becoming an addict. Oh, no :O!

    The reasons you listed are very similar to why I blog, but I also blog to keep me sane.

  10. Hi, I'm a SITSTA too, though I've not been over for a while what with one thing and another. Gotta go back and join in the fun.

    I did the workshop too, this very prompt. It seems that many of us are blogging for similar reasons - to share our lives with like-minded people, have fun and reach out to the world.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog too xxxx


  11. Thanks for visiting on my sits day and your sweet comments! I think I'm am still reeling from the blog "love"... did it really have to end? New follower here!
    Steph from


Thank You for visiting! I appreciate and am grateful for all of You who craft some of Your time to leave me comments!