
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meet Grandma meets Jerry Rice

Grandma grew up on a farm in North Dakota, taught in a one room school house in a neighboring town, before moving out west, later meeting and marrying my grandfather.

Grandpa was an avid SF Giants fan and loved listening to their games on the radio. Grandma never held any interest in sports, let alone following a specific team of a specific sport, let alone following professional athletes' careers.

However, all that changed when in the early 1990's Grandma's three daughters took her to dinner at Benihana's in Burlingame. 

Aunt C recognized Jerry Rice, the legendary San Francisco 49er, Wide Receiver, #80.  Neither my Mom or Aunt D knew who he was.  (Even if you don't follow football, its not easy to not know who Jerry Rice is, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area!)

And with a "Please, please, please its my Mom's birthday??!" from Aunt C, Jerry came over to meet Grandma!

He gave her a kiss and took a picture with Grandma.  I can't help but look at their hands & difference in size here, no wonder he didn't drop the ball!! :>

Here's Grandpa & Grandma at Grandma's 80th birthday party, wearing the Jerry Rice 49er jersey and holding the Grandma/Jerry cake that Aunt C got for her. 

Once again, Pre-Jerry, Grandma had no interest in sports, let alone football, let alone one specific football player.  Post-Jerry, she would look for him in a game and called him her boyfriend.  Too cute!

Did you know that September is  Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month?

In 1999, we lost Grandma to ovarian cancer.  Thanks to last week's Back 2 Blogging event through SITS, I learned about how Kelly Ripa has teamed up with Electrolux to support The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.

Grandma meeting Jerry Rice is one of many fun stories that I keep close, even though she's no longer with us.  What fun grandma stories do you hold on to? 

I'd love for you to say hello, then come back to this page & click on the link on Kelly Ripa's name and learn more.  Hope everyone is  well into a great week today! :>

And because I love my Grandma so much & this story so much, I'm linking up in the new home for Wordful Wednesday:

And yes, Grandma & Jerry have me Tickled Pink...come to 504 Main and see some fabulous & fun!
504 Main


  1. I am so sorry that your Grandma died of this horrible sad...

    Now.. let's chat about SF!!

    I KNOW that Bennihana's!!!! BEEN THERE in Burlingame! Yep.. That's right! Out there on the landfill... that wobbly part of the bay...

    I used to live in San Carlos!!!

    Awesome story.. us girls all need 'boyfriends' especially famous ones! Too darn cute!

  2. Hi! What a neat story about your grandma. I love people stories. I never followed football at all until I moved to Lincoln, NE and a very cute guy took me to a Husker game. Now I'm hooked! Thank you for stopping by my site!

  3. Jerry Rice's hands were huge! Your Grandma looked like she was enjoying getting her picture taken with him. I am sorry you lost her.

  4. oh my goodness, God Bless your precious grandma!!!!!!! Love her in the Jerry jersey, so cute!!!! What a special memory that must've been!!!

    And you're STILL not a 49ers fan after THAT!!!! Good grief girl!
    Most players wouldn't stop to do that...what a class act he is.


  5. oh... what a lovely story about your gramma! and a wonderful memory for you! so sorry you lost her to cancer :( i have lots of wonderful memories of my gramma (none involving famous football players, though). she died in 1994and i still miss her!

  6. What a wonderful story about your sweet Grandma! So sorry you lost her to such an awful disease. ((HUGZ!!))

    WW: Goofy Contortionist

  7. Your grandma in the jersey AND the cake is too priceless! Good for her!

  8. That is a great story. I am sory you lost her.

  9. That's an amazing touching story! Your grandma was a lovely woman, may she RIP. I don't know Jerry Rice or anythig about american football, but he looks nice :)

    I'd be glad if you found the time to visit my blog - if you like it (and I hope you will), feel free to comment and follow of course (Who would have thought, huh? :)))

  10. Such a sweet memory with your grandma.

    I'm glad she got that experience and on her birthday no less.

    I love what Kelly Ripa is doing!

  11. I love your story!! And it made me love Jerry even if that was possible...although I am a bit disappointed to hear he had a girlfriend PRIOR to me. **sniff** I thought I was the only one. The way he would look at me through the TV could not deny it...:)

  12. This is such a precious story.
    You are blessed to have such sweet memories of a sweet grandma...

  13. What an awesome story. Those are the cutest photos...I love your grandma in the jersey. It was nice that he came over to say hi...I have seen a lot of celebrities ignore requests (even for small children).

    So sorry she passed. I miss my grandparents every day still and they have been gone for 30 years.

  14. Without question, this is one of the sweetest, most heart-warming stories I have read on ANYONE'S blog! This is great! Your Grandmother looks SO happy in the pictures with her hubby AND her "boyfriend." That is just TOO cute! I'm so glad you have these wonderful memories to hold near and dear to your heart. I hope that somehow, some way your post makes it to Jerry Rice's computer screen. I think he'd be touched. Have a great week!


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