
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

#iPPP: Valentine's Day...A Year Later

Holy camole macarole!!!  Looking back, my last #iPPP post was last year, this same week!  I knew it had been quite awhile, but geez!  Um...well, then...hello again. :>

This year, we found some really cute li'l heart printables with the perfect Valentine's sayings for the themed pencils we slid through the cut out hearts on Pinterest, of course.  You can find them on Or So She Says where Sharon, from Lemon Squeezy shared them.  Loved that they were a fun non-candy option!

But, since I've annoyed myself and forgotten to snap a pic, let's move onto what I did remember to document from Valentine's Day.  And that is what has quickly become a favorite tradition:

hubs brings living flowers for me

and for his sweet li'l girl too.

When we keep them alive long enough, they can be planted in the backyard next month.  Sometimes that happens, sometimes it doesn't.  I hear there's this little thing plants like called water???  So far, they're looking good and my girl's old enough now to help remind me of that tiny life sustaining necessity. Fingers crossed!

Finally coming back for an #iPPP visit with


  1. What a cool tradition, to get flowers you can plant later! My dad always got me a hyacinth on Easter, and we would plant them outside.

    1. Hyacinth are so pretty & colorful. They are a perfect spring picture! :>

  2. Yay, I'm so glad you're back, Karen! I love the idea of living flowers. My hubs usually gets me the flower shop kind, which are pretty but quickly get pulled apart by the cats. Sigh.

    1. Cut flowers are gorgeous! My husband used to protest buying any kind of flowers as consumerism (especially in regards to Valentine's Day) and a waste of money. So, until he came up with giving living flowers to our daughter & I, flowers of any kind were a rare thing! But, I do like the tradition that it has become! :>

      Oh! And it was seeing your reminders on FB that finally got my derriere in gear to post & link up again...thanks! :>

  3. Love those violas. Such happy little living faces. I always replant the daffodils that I can't help buying this time of year in the grocery store. Looks like the one I replanted last year has come up and ready to bloom. Yippee. Come on spring.

    1. Thanks for the headsup on the name, violas. Looked it up - are violas a type of pansy or pansies a type of viola? I definitely do not know my flowers! I just know what looks pretty, or like you said in this case, "happy" - because they are definitely that! :>

  4. I love that he gets you living flowers & that you plant them later!! Beautiful pics. So happy you are linking up with #iPPP again. Happy belated Valentine's Day.


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