
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

#iPPP & WW: Valentine's

Thanks to Pinterest, Valentine's Day was a glowing hit here!

Looking for something for upper elementary age kids that didn't include candy, I came across these glow stick bracelet Valentine's.  Initially, I was just thinking of these for my older boy, but the wee girl thought they were so cool and wanted to make them for her class as well.

Glow sticks send me zipping down Girl Scout memory lane....but, that's another story for another time and another day.

Party City had the glow sticks (though, with 49 kids to buy for, these were the most expensive Valentine's we've ever made or bought!) and thankfully, the wee girl had the time and hand cut out all 49 hearts for both her classmates and her brothers.

Hubs has never been big on flowers, but ever since having a daughter, he brings me live flowers to plant in the garden every Valentine's Day.

And another one for her!
Hope you're enjoying your February.
It's one of my favorite months of the year!
Linking up with these awesome sites - come join us!


  1. I LOVE that he buys plants for both of you! That's amazingly sweet, and I bet your girl is always thrilled. Also, the glow sticks are so cute, but I hear you...they're not cheap!

  2. Gerbera Daisies are my all time favorite flower. They always make me smile and I love to try and grow them every year. And I'm with you guys - forget the cut flowers.. give me something that I can keep and love far past the holiday!!

  3. Bless you for not giving kids more crap! Super cute.

  4. what a sweet thing for your hubs to do. a gift that keeps giving. love it. And I'm sure the kids went gaga over glow sticks. I mean, I would.

  5. Love those flowers! And what a sweet idea!

  6. That's awesome that he buys you both a flower that you can plant.

  7. What adorable Valentines! Great idea your husband has to bring you live flowers on Valentine's Day. It not only makes sense, its such a sweet gesture. Hope you're enjoying your February friend!


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