
Monday, December 31, 2012

Life can be MAGIC!

Is today really the last day of 2012?  Really?
My sweet girl has been commenting on how fast the year has gone by almost daily for the last two weeks.  And she is right.  She is so right!
Three hundred sixty-five full days are nearly gone.
Three hundred sixty-five days marked by books taking us to other worlds, rushed school mornings, followed by adventures on two campuses at two schools - with both highs and lows, laughter ripping from souls, smiles dancing on lips, a trombone sounding, words flitting across pages, movie nights at home, friend visiting, birthday celebrating, and every daily bit that creates that spinning vortex whirling three hundred sixty-five days by.
Three hundred sixty-five days of 2012 say good-bye this eve to make room and welcome in the coming New Year.
A few weeks ago, just before she began commenting on the speed of 2012's cumulative days, my sweet girl drew this...

... and her beautiful words, "Life can be MAGIC!" is a sentiment I am happy to carry with me into 2013 tomorrow.
Both tonight and tomorrow promise to be mellow around here and I am more than content with that.  Are you staying home or heading out to celebrate?


  1. We're totally staying home...I love your daughter's art!

    Um, I'm already sleepy and it's only 7 pm...HA....

    Happy new Year!

  2. Hi Amy! Your words will make my girl smile, thanks. I'm about to put the kidlets to bed and we'll see just how long I make it tonight. lol Looking forward to 2013 & wish you the best! :>


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