
Monday, January 9, 2012


~ Ronald Dahl

Magic bits of our days carry a key for me.  That key unlocks all those little bits and pieces, small moments that make me smile.

Laughter floating through air, a leaf coasting upon it.

Sun shinning through a spider's night shift masterpiece.

Felines stretched long; furry bellies soaking up sun.

Painted toes, never seen beneath a warm winter shoe.

Fresh crayon boxes, filled with pointy rainbows.

Overflowing tubs of broken crayons; hand pressed stories in every break.

Rain water's curbside travels, breaking at each tiny pebble in its path.

So thankful to believe in the magic.

What about you?

Happy to be linking up with Bits of Bee today on her meme hosting maiden voyage!  I have always been driven by, inspired by, made better by taking in the words of others.  I've had quote journals, walls covered in quotes written on post-its, and now, thanks to Pinterest, a Letters Word Type Talk board celebrating words themselves.

And a meme dedicated to that very thing I love?  Perfect.

I found the above image on Pinterest and via that, have had an opportunity to check out the rest of the artist's site.  Definitely go see
Madi Illustration for yourself!


  1. Beautiful quote. Everything about life is magical, if you only take the time to appreciate it. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Popped in from SITS! I love that quote!

  3. I love the quote and the image you painted of pointy rainbows!

  4. Beautiful quote, and the words you put along with it are wonderful!! I love the picture you painted with the crayons.

  5. Believing in magic, seeing it in everything, is why I have encouraged my kids to believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy. Doesn't matter to me that they aren't really real. It's magic behind it.

  6. lovely quote and your words are perfect with it.

  7. "Pointy rainbows" - love it! Such a fabulous quote, thank you so much for linking up! It sounds like I'm not alone in my love for quotes :)

  8. Beautiful quote! I love the imagery you used here too.

  9. What a great quote!

    Stopping by from SITS.

  10. Excellent quote! And a good reminder to look for those little bits of magic (when you're being driven crazy by the mundane!).

  11. Nice quote. What is life without magic? Seeing it everything makes life just that much better.

  12. I love this! And I love the idea behind this meme! You're wonderful , as usual, at finding remarkable words!!

  13. Believing in magic and sharing quotes - two of my most favourite things in the world. Nice to be visiting some amazing blogs

  14. Wow, what a lovely post Karen. Love the way you incorporated that quote in!

  15. One of the best things about motherhood is being able to relive the magic. Great quote!

  16. Your a beautiful writer. I love what you added to the quote. Many magic bits for me today. :)

  17. Beautiful piece--magic surrounds us everyday we just need to be open to its wonder!

  18. I love this (though is it supposed to be "spinning" or "shining"?):
    "Sun shinning through a spider's night shift masterpiece."
    Came from the WOE linky.

  19. Love your vision of magic all around us! And magic mixed with poetry? Delicious!

  20. Magic is many things, the beauty of life. :)


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