
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Creative Everyday 2012

I've seen Leah's Creative Everyday Challenge for the last two years.  Since that's already a focus I try to have, I haven't joined in.

But, I've loved the premise of it.  I've loved that it views 'creativity' in the broadest sense of the word; from something whipped up in the kitchen to words written on a page to images captured through a lens to paint spilled across a canvas.

It's part of why I started blogging:  to alter personal time to include creativity in my daily life.
I have loved Leah's Creative Every Day Challenge.

And I still do.

And I want to connect with more people diving into whatever 'creative' is for them.  So, I'm joining in for 2012!  What about you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    I'm taking part of the creative everyday challenge as well. I'm a writer but I want to try something different so I'm trying to express myself everyday via pictures. I love the title of your blog!


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