
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

If you are celebrating today...

Happy Thanksgiving


We have a turkey roasting in the oven and a kitchen full of food to make a delicious GFCF Thanksgiving meal today.

We have a special guest arriving tomorrow for her annual after Thanksgiving visit that we're all excited for.

We're spending the day together, enjoying each other - a perfect kind of Family Day.

If you are celebrating today and even if you're not, may your day be filled with both greatness and simplicity.

I hope your day is full of rainbows to be thankful for!

Let's BEE Friends


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! :)

  2. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. The photo of the tree is wonderful.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving wishes back to you! I love the photo you posted. So beautiful with all of the colours. I love this time of year!

  4. Ahhhhhhhh, Kare!!!! You are SO delightful! THIS photo is OUTRAGEOUSLY beautiful! Thank you, SO much, for sharing this glorious slice of gratitude - YOU are the best! xoxoxoxo!


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