
Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Fun with Lego!

To my surprise, two of my most popular posts are about the Lego obsession in this house.  Apparently, we weren't the only ones swimming in & stepping on them!

Earlier this year, I shared the insane amount of Lego bricks my son has when we dumped all of his loose Lego pieces on the living room floor in A Landslide of Lego Love and then when we had finished sorting them, we went from Lego Landslide to Organized!  (And I'm happy to say, six months later and they're still organized!)

But, my son's Lego bricks and sets aren't the only ones in this house.  My husband has them too!  He has a large collection of Star Wars Lego sets, to my son's delight.  And my Princess has a few sets of her own too (though, there's more pink involved!).  So, you can see, there's a whole lotta Lego Love goin' on around here.

Though I'm the only one without a Lego of my own here, I do appreciate Lego creativity and thought we all could have a little Lego fun to welcome in the weekend with!

About a year ago, this uber fast Lego recap of the first three Star Wars movies....the first three to come out, that is, was made.  It has almost five million views, so you may have seen it.  I had and still think it's so Worth the Click...and the watch!

And two months ago, another uber fast Star Wars Lego video was done of Star Wars Chapters 1-3, which of course, came out 4th, 5th, and 6th.  What was used for a pregnant belly cracked me up!  Don't blink or you might miss it!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend.  Anyone with any special plans?


  1. Lego is the BEST! My nephew can put them together like nobody's business! He is an awesome kid and hardly has to look at the instructions.

    We have a license with Lego (my company) so it's all around me. Have you seen the Cars 2 Lego video? It's so awesome.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. i just cannot get over the things that are made with legos. my nephew is a dang wiz with them.. amazing, amazing stuff!!

  3. They do legos in so many neat themes. Sadly my sons never really got into them.

  4. Those clips were cool. I'm not the biggest Stars Wars fan but thought they were well done.

    We have Lego in our house too. It's all pink and from a Dora label I think. My girls have lost interest in them. The box hasn't been touched in forever.

  5. So awesome! Two of my favorite things ever -- Star Wars and Lego!

    "Man-eating teddy bears" -- tee hee!

    Thank you so much for sharing these videos!

  6. all i will say is it hurts like hell when you step on it barefoot! xx

  7. That was adorable! I've never seen it before.

  8. Hey Karen, I also wanted to say that I took my daughter to her very first overnight camp. I dropped her off yesterday. she did not know a single soul and she will be there all week. she was pretty terrified but i told her that i had read your blog once and you talked about you going to camp and met some girls and all of you guys are still friends. was it 4H or girl scouts? i cant remember. but anyway thanks for sharing that i think it eased her a little !!

  9. My son loves those videos and I, too, have a house COVERED in Lego!! Off to see how you organised them all! :) (Visiting from SITS)

  10. You ARE so funny! What a wonderful share! Legos are TRULY a blessing and a curse, but mostly - FUN! Can't wait to share these clips with MY kiddos! xoxoxo!


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