
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Six Word Memoir & Mama Kat challenge this chatty one!

Mama’s Losin’ It

Prompt #1:  Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words.

Oh heck, there's no way I can only use six words?! I'm way too chatty for that!  Okay, okay, I'll try.

California. Oregon. Washington. New York. California. Stay.
California. Oregon. Washington. New York. California.

Fifteen moves, twenty-four years, no more.

Lifetime of moving. Loving staying put.

No memory of twisted metal is good.
No twisted metal memory is good.

Found joy in becoming a Mama.

And most recently, with my Princess turning another year older and heading to kinder in two and a half months:

My babies are no longer babies.


Okay, so there.  I stuck to six words each.  That counts, right??!! :>
Play along and I'll stop by to see how your six words play out!

Edited:  Thanks to friend Jenn for pointing out I  missed the six word mark.  The first one, I'm sure I was seeing 'New York' as one word in my head as I was thinking of one location.  Though, don't know what happened to my elementary math skills on the fourth one!  And because the errors are irking me, now that they've been pointed out, I went back and corrected them!



  1. I can so relate to your last daughter just finished hit me kinda hard!

  2. Ha! Love it. I bent the rules a bit too. But hey if we get in trouble we'll be in detention together.

  3. Very creative use of your 6 words. Stopping by from mamakat's.

  4. love them all! i'm sure moving was hard, but sounds like you got to live in some great hit all the big wine producing states too--was that on purpose?

  5. your last one struck me. about to start potty training. feeling like my baby is gone. he's becoming a big boy. i'm one sad mama.

  6. These are great! I ran from this prompt. Good job!

  7. Great job! Love your 6 word memoirs : )

  8. We did the same thing! 6x6! Love these!

  9. Leave it to me to actually count your words! Even though it's not 6 words, or 6 words per line, I'm proud you were able to summarize your life in 6 lines!

  10. Hi, Karen! Wow! I am impressed with your ability to sum things up in only 6 words. Don't know that I could do that! The one that hits me the most, I think, is "My babies are no longer babies." Terrific job! :-)

  11. I love this idea! What a person can say in just 6 words!And I know what happened to your math was that 5th one "found joy in becoming a mama" ;)


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