
Monday, March 7, 2011

The Portal ~ Microfiction Monday

{{  If you are visiting, looking for my submission for this week's i heart faces challenge, you can find my favorite February face that I've linked up here:  Sweet Lashes}}

It's time for Microfiction Monday with Susan, of Stony River! Write the shortest of short fiction, 140 characters or less (including spaces & punctuation) inspired by a picture Susan provides. Hope you'll come write along!

An experiment gone wildly wrong brought me to this time when folks text & tweet, rather than talk. My Love's photo is my only portal home.

(138 characters, including spaces & punctuation)

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Tell this person to look up Tom CRUISE!!! {He's either the modern day version or a perfect doppleganger!} VERY cool, Kare!

  2. Very creative MM, Karen! I really like 1) the statement about how people communicate today, 2) the romance and 3) the scifi aspect of it. You fit a huge story into just a few words.

  3. You always amaze me with your micro fiction. :)

  4. This is great! It's always best to keep a portal home when you've had an experiment go so wrong! Loved it.

  5. Oooo...I like it!


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