Sunday, February 6, 2011

Its the end of the Earth and... Microfiction Monday #69

Time for more Microfiction Monday with Susan of Stony River! Its the shortest of short fiction (140 characters max, including spaces & punctuation...and I just made it this time!) based on a photo of Susan's choice. Come write along! :>

Left behind, there was no need for the clock to mark their remaining heartbeats. Zero hour approached, soon they'd be little more than dust.

(140 characters, including spaces & punctuation)

Hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead!


  1. Very interesting! Makes me think the fine old building will be demolished. Either that or something really bad is going to happen. Sounds like the beginning of a good novel.

  2. A sad tale for today and well done! It is interesting to see how all of us see the same picture so differently! Hope you have a great week, Karen!


  3. Very different take. Am always amazed that we all see something a little different in the picture each week.
    Have a nice evening karen, Super Bowl is almost over.

  4. How creative! I think everyone's entries will be very different this week!

    Enjoy your week, too!

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  5. The clock has stopped, the building no longer used, and it's time for the wrecking ball. Good insight.

  6. Ominous start to a thriller! Now I want to know more.

  7. I'm getting that some catastrophe is about to befall the town and those who failed to escape in time.

  8. Happy Blogaversary, Karen! :)
    A very nice µ-fiction story full of intrigue.

    You words coupled with the picture of this dreadfully old and gruesome looking building remind me of our execution chamber building at the Texas State Prison.

  9. You make me wonder what's about to happen. An explosion maybe?

  10. An alien landing where the unfit are to be vaporised or a flood they can't escape...your words conjure up so many possibilities...striking

  11. A little bit scary there..... Good one. :O)

  12. Very different interpretation. Many stories suggested by your Micro.

  13. Hmm, good way to pass on, sounds like- thanks!

  14. I love a microfiction that makes me wonder what happens next :)

  15. I don't know what will happen, but it sent shivers down my spine. Nice work.

    My MM: Truth In Advertising

  16. Very creative, and I could go several different ways with this. Aliens? Some sort of nuclear devastation? Intriguing.

  17. Whoa, I love the sci-fi touch. Great MM.

    Have a great week, Karen.

  18. Ooh! I would definitely read this book!!!

  19. Gave me chills. Whoa. Good job.

    I'm following you.

  20. WHAT happened next! That's what inquiring minds want to know! {!}

  21. Enjoyed it very much, interesting and creative!


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