
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Inspiration Everywhere at Jessica Sprague!

Jessica Sprague is back at it, offering a free online course on her site that looks like a whole lot o' fun!  What's even better (besides the free thing...which is always fun, right?! :>), its geared towards the crafty & creative as a whole.  Its not just for photographers or scrapbookers or card makers etc., but for all with creative spirit looking to get inspired & put that inspiration to use!  Sounds pretty cool. :>


  1. I will check this out, love bug! Thanks for the HOT tip! :o)

  2. Going to check this out because I have been needing a creative outlet.

  3. That sounds awesome. I am really missing my studio now! ugh, I hope we hear some news soon- this apartment living (with the 4 of us)is getting old quick! I need to get to Florida!!!!!!!!!!!! xOxO


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