
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Harry Potter & some {wand}erful wizard worthy magic!

Thanks to a kind Auntie loaning our sweet boy the Harry Potter books & movies, once he read the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone & saw its movie full of magical images, he knew exactly what he would be this Halloween!

And so a parade at school on the 29th & trick or treating on the 31st brought Harry Potter through these parts. Thankfully, we had advance notice of the wizard's arrival and were able to prepare a special wand.

Father & son took to the task of creating a wand for the special wizard and grabbed the mysterious mini tree growing from the ground that had been hacked down recently.  The magical, sweet son got his first chance to use a knife (supervised, of course!) to shave off most of the bark.

His Father (aka Hubby) & magical, sweet son whittled it into shape.  They both did a bit of hand sanding and the adult in the operation then torched the end and a bit of the handle's edges.

Stain was rubbed in, wiped off, and the whole wizard perfect wand was given a clear coat.

Add some brass wire, wound around at the top of the handle and the base of the tip, secured by tucking into a pin hole and its ready for Hogwart', um, I mean a visit from Harry Potter himself.

I'm no wizard, but I do love that handle and the magical, sweet son Harry Potter enjoyed it too!

Hope you enjoyed a wee bit of magic that zapped us this Halloween!



Disclosure:  I was in no way compensated for this post.  Harry Potter book & dvd links are affiliate links.


  1. oh what a wonderfully magical wand! it sounds like your boys had a lot of fun crafting it!

  2. Hi, Karen! What a terrific project! Definitely a treasure worth keeping! :-)

  3. No way, your hubby is crafty too!! That is so awesome!!!!!!!!! I love this!!!!!!!

  4. That is the coolest wand - better than Harry Potter - EVER!

  5. Wow...I don't think you want to see what my kids used for Halloween. DD's broom...was plastic. There. I said it! :)

  6. Wow, that looks great! My 7 year old would be WAY jealous!

    Thanks for linking up today! :)

  7. The wand is so pretty! What a wonderful carving!

    Thank you for linking to Halloween Traditions and sharing your idea with my readers!


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