
Monday, October 4, 2010

Worth the Click: Get in the {Pink}

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but you knew that already, right??  My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor.  So, I should know that, right?  Come here, I'll let you in on a little secret.  Come close now.  I didn't realize it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month until yesterday.  Tsk, tsk on me.  But, since it was only the third day of the month, I think I'll forgive myself. 
So, you want to know what blazing pink ribbon reminded me??  Why did I realize it on Sunday?  Can you say FOOTBALL?!  As in the NFL teaming up with the American Cancer Society!!  All the players & even the referees were wearing pink somewhere on them from pink cleats to pink wristbands to pink hand towels.  And it was a pretty cool thing to see!

There's someone I would like you to meet.  Lisa, of Takin' Life One Day at a Time, is a mother, a blogger, and through blogging, has become a friend.  She is fun, witty, comedic, loves life & her grown kids.  And after being recently diagnosed with breast cancer, she is currently undergoing treatment.  Lisa shares her story in her own words here and here.  And this morning, even had a funny story to share, Mom, Is That Mastectomy With An "M"?

Ironically, Lisa held a Squeeze Your Melons giveaway last October, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and guess who won?!  Yup, I did.  She sent me a pack of the most gorgeous & fun variety of papercrafting goodness (aka paper, trim, flowers, accents, oh my!).  And now, its my turn to ask you to squeeze your melons and perform your own breast self exams and if you haven't before, you can go here for a simple five step set of instructions!

Please do go meet Lisa , say hello, and show her some of that famous blogland love and encouragement!! 

She is oh so Worth the Click! :>


  1. thanks for the reminder! I didn't know either, so it is great to have a blogger community to catch up with the important stuff, right? I am snatching your pink ribbon for my blog - feel free to stop by! I am also bringing awareness for Domestic Violence (October is also the month for it).

  2. i seen the games too on NFL..i thought it was so neat that they do that....i think they looked awesome in all the pink...the refs even had pink whistles!! so sweet!

  3. I thought I'd heard it all, but I've never heard the term "Squeeze your melons" before! That is too funny!

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Go Pink!!!

  5. YOU are wonderful - sweet Kare! This is a great reminder and fabulous cause! I love your thoughtful connections and links - yeah, baby! You are me SHE-ro!

  6. What a lovely post. I think we all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. I certainly do. Breast Cancer Awareness Month such a great way to bring awareness and remind people of all they can and need to do. Hope you're having a wonderful week.

  7. I just learned that about the NFL this weekend. We were home for a trip and my dad was watching Sunday football. I noticed the pink accessories on the ref first, but then on the players shoes and gloves, too!

  8. Great post :) It's great to hear that such a large organization like the NFL is visibly supporting breast cancer awareness. Over here, hockey is just starting up again, but I've yet to see the Montreal Canadiens sporting pink! There is a lesson to be learned me thinks.... ;-)

    Visiting from SITS!

  9. A great message, a great reminder. I always brushed this off (fearing other types of cancer more..ridiculous, I know) until a few years ago when a good friend was diagnosed by accident and then it all hit home. She is fabulous and continues, like these other women to be an inspiration

  10. i collected for pink ribbon here locally. it's the least i can do! thanks for stopping by


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