
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Neverending Pumpkins - Wordful Wednesday

Do you have your pumpkins yet? 

We have quite a few mini pumpkins now, but no big ones yet (to be remedied this week!).  Wee girl's whole world gets brighter every time she sees one.  She takes detours in a store, cranes her neck to see the pumpkin patch when we drive by while on one of our country drives, and spends most of the year asking me when Halloween is.

And mini pumpkins are so worth the buck!  They last forever....and ever and ever and ever.  I threw the last one from 2009 into the yard waste bin (which also takes compost materials) in August.  Yes, August, 2010.  And there was a whole lotta nothing wrong with it!

Wonder how long this year's batch o' mini pumpkins will last??

So, do you have your pumpkins yet?  Do you celebrate Halloween, carve pumpkins, roast their seeds, cook up pumpkin goodness, climb hay bales, wander through corn mazes?  Do tell!  I love the tales that fall spins. :>

I'm linking up:
Parenting by Dummies
A Beautiful Mess
Live and Love...Out Loud
5 Minutes for Mom
Angry Julie Monday


  1. I am a bad Mom. We still don't have pumpkins. And everyone else has their Christmas lights up... Needless to say, my kids are going to need a lot of couch time later in life. I am already saving money for it...the money I saved from not buying pumpkins this year! :)

  2. Hi, love-bug! More excellent photos and excellent, thought provoking banter: I love your MINI's! WE are the proud owner of a HUGE, 100 plus lb. pumpkin that my husband {earning extra credit romantic points with the wife...!!!} brought home after a business meeting down in the valley... {AND he brought home some oat hay WITHOUT me having to ask! AND it was much cheaper than what we pay here!!!!} But I digress! We're rich in pumpkins this year, as I have several varieties in volunteer {!} pumpkins and HUGE hopes for some gigantic size pumpkins {from the seeds} for next year!

    Thanks for the great, pumpkiny thoughts! I LOVE this season!!!!

  3. Much to my chagrin, we have not hit the pumpkin farm yet, but soon... I hope. I have grand plans. Happy WW!

  4. we need to get more!! our awesome carved pumpkins died so we had to throw them away. I hope i have time next week to get some! maybe next saturday!!


  5. I took a long look at pumpkins and gourds yesterday wondering if I had time and energy for a carving as with me nothing simple will do ;)

  6. aha...I just picked up some Cinderella pumpkins at Trader Joe' is white and the other is thee most beautiful shade of red/orangey/rusty...sounds icky but it is pretty! I always take the kids to the pumpkin patch but haven't made it there yet so thought I should come up with a back up plan in the event we can't make it this weekend! Good to know about the smaller ones lasting longer...

  7. Sigh...We don't have any pumpkins yet...such party poopers we are! I have had dreams of having my own pumpkin patch, though, and having a huge neighborhood pumpkin party in the fall and letting all our friends take one home with them at the end of the celebration. Someday...

  8. I don't have any pumpkins yet, but I do love them so- and just for decoration, I'm not patient enough or talented enough to cook with them..I get the canned kind for that.

    love your photo, beautiful!

  9. I would love to grow pumpkins! But growing anything does not happen when I'm around.
    We do celebrate Halloween, and we carve pumpkins. I roast the seeds for Hubby and the kids.

  10. Pumpkins are the best! I love them all. My kids light up too when they see them (even though the 9 year old tried to tell me he did not care this year...he LOVED it when we got to the patch and did the corn maize.)

    For Fall...lots of pumpkin baking...we love pumpkin in all varieties! And corn maizes!

  11. As Halloween isn't that big in Germany, I have to confess: no pumpkins around here, Karen! Well, actually there are some pottery pumpkins but I don't think that counts ;-) Anyways, I remember your photo gallery and can't wait to see how your carved pumpkins will look like this year!

  12. hello karen! hope all is well with you. we have our pumpkins and they are proudly braving the wet yucky weather that has now arrived. a trip to the pumpkin patch on thursday with my little one's preschool class will probably prove to be a little on the wet side!! oh... but there will be more pumpkins to be had! and I LOVE PUMPKINS!!! i even have glass ones that i display all year long!

  13. i just made a halloween salad with black beans, grated carrots and toasted pumpkin seeds...yum! love your pic of the pumpkins

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