
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Who may I turn this in to?

You?  May I turn this into you?  Hang on a second.....I'll get right back to that!

Last night, I was in Whole Foods ritually buying their organic, gluten, casein, soy free foods.  When the cart was full, I unloaded at the register and while the woman in front of me was chatting away with the friendly cashier, I took some time to read the magnets that were in front of me.  Let me say, they were hilarious!  But, when I read one particular magnet, I spit out a chuckle.  There were retro peeps on it and one said to another, "Do you remember when all we wanted to do was grow up?" and that other replied, "Man, were we STUPID!!!"  As a disclaimer, I might be misquoting a bit, but the gist of it stuck with me. 

There may be many a thing that I love about being a grown up, with being married to my man & my kidlets at the very top of that list, but there are days when I want to hand over my Grown Up Card!

So, I ask again, who may I turn this in to??

You? May I turn in my Grown Up Card to you? Someone really needs to raise their hand because I will be turning my Grown Up Card in for the next 24 hours.  And it would be quite nice if I knew who had it so that I may take it back when that time is up!

I am off to go play with my best friend, Jenn today.  We met coming up on twenty-two years ago and would you believe it, I can actually remember what she was wearing that day!!  We went to school together and were Girl Scouts together (where our friendship connected with two other best friends, Jill & Monique, and from that, the Four Musketeers evolved.  The four of us are all still very close today!). 

Jenn & I are meeting up with a small group of gals and heading out for dinner and then off to see Eclipse.  I think that's an appropriate movie for a day that my Grown Up Card is not in my possession! :> The kidlets will be home with their Dad and I'm sure, whipping up a storm of fun!

I've been asked so many times if I worry about the kidlets on the rare occasion that I'm away from them.  I always chuckle at that one.  When they are with their Dad, I do not worry one little bit!  I often joke that the worst thing that will happen is that he'll dress them in plaids & stripes together or create an interesting 'do with our wee girl's long hair.  Its really such a gift that I don't have to worry at all!  Thanks Hubby!! :>

What are you up to this weekend??  I'd love to hear where life is taking you!

Okay!!  Time to temporarily hand over my Grown Up Card!!  Who's going to volunteer to hold it for me??


  1. You can turn it in to me, but I don't think I'd do you much good! Have a great day!

  2. oooooh! I wish I was going to see Eclipse with you! LMK how you like it! I am so behind, would you believe only last week I finally saw New Moon with Ky! lol I'm addicted! Can't decide btwn Edward or JacoB- I'll just have to take em both! :)

  3. Uh, um.... NO THANKS! Hee Hee KAREN! Glad you got some graphics together to go with your fun and PRECISE expression. I so KNOW the feeling. For today, consider it off-line! Go, run along and FORGET that you are one {a grown up!} and get mesmerized by those vampires! Yipeeee!

  4. I toss my "grown up" card aside A LOT! haha... what a great post! When I was young, all I wanted to do was grow up. I used to create layouts utilizing the JC Penny catalogs of what my grown-up house would look like. I would always dream of what it would be like to be an adult. It's funny because that turning point never really happened. I look in the mirror and say, who is this woman? I still feel like a kid!

    Have a great day Karen and thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the movie.

  5. Hi, Karen! What a delightful idea to give back your grown-up card for a day! I hope you had a fabulous day and enjoyed some time off! :-)

  6. oh Karen! that is just too funny! but, i have to say that i would love to turn in my "grown up" card, too! enjoy your day with your friends! thanks for your tip about the t!m ruler. will have to keep that in mind! have a lovely monday!

  7. Ha ha! Nope, can't leave it here, I already got's me one of my own! Maybe you could "lose" it for a while? You know like in the laundry, behind the couch, or perhaps at the bottom of your purse?


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