
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thank {You} from me & a Win for one of You!

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Y letter O u





Blogging this last year has taken me on such a FUN adventure and I'm so glad to have gone on it. I look forward to oodles and oodles of creating, playing, chatting, visiting, and playing some more this year as well! THANK {YOU} for making it such a fun ride! :>

Okay, let's get to why you are here, right?? I promised a $25 Papertrey Ink gift certificate to one randomly selected February commenter!

And the winner is.................................

#119 Deb from sPaRkLiNg sCrApBoOkS

Congratulations! Deb, send me an email and I'll get you your gift certificate! :>

Sending out BIG thanks again to everyone who visits and comments!! Comments always put a smile on my face and make me so happy to have jumped into this fabulous & fun blogging adventure!

Spell with flickr


  1. Hoorayfor Deb! THanks for a year of fun here on your blog Karen!

  2. Congrats, Deb! :) Thanks for sharing parts of your life and creativity with us, Karen!! It's always fun to "jump across the pond" for a visit here on your blog ;-)

  3. Awww... man. JK! Congraulations Deb! So fun for you to do that Karen!

  4. Oh My god are you kidding! What a wonderful way to wake up today!! Thank you SOOO SOOO much!!!!!!!! I'll send you an e-mail now I'm so excited! Have a wonderful Sunday, you sure made my day! xOxO

  5. Okay, I know I've been here a FEW times to marvel at your cool letters and send congratulations to YOU and DEB, but apparently, I never had the right mind-set to actually leave a comment - HELLO!?!?! McFly! Where's the old noggin' when you need it!?!

    Woops! Okay, I love you doll! Happy Blog-aversary!

  6. Congrats to Deb! And thanks for sharing your wonderful art and stories, Karen! It makes me smile to see them!

  7. What a lucky girl! Isn't blogging fun? I've met so many great people through mine.


Thank You for visiting! I appreciate and am grateful for all of You who craft some of Your time to leave me comments!