
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A {quick} random share...worth the click!

Costco, Safeway, and laundry took up most of my evening.......well, who am I kidding...........they took up all of my evening!! I had hoped to get a little creative play in, but that just didn't happen tonight.

However, while my son was doing his homework, I got the chance to go on an artistic ride as I blurfed my way through a few blogs. I started by hopping over to my blogging friend Penny and from there, I visited someone on her blogging roll at My Creative Sanity (with a busy day that started with paperwork at 6am and is still going strong coming up on midnight, perhaps the word 'sanity' in her blog title drew me there, ya think? :> lol) where I found a link to a site SO fantastic and SO SMILE worthy, that I just HAD to pass on the share to you all!! :> I highly recommend the click....I most definitely found it worthy! Go check out Color Me Katie and have a laugh, grow a smile, and get inspired! And in case she posts again before you get a chance to head over there, {this} is the post that had me giggling (though I certainly enjoyed myself as I continued to scroll down her site).

I know, I know, I promised this was going to be quick!! But, if you knew me in real life, you would know that I am indeed a chatty one! Every report card I ever had as a child said, "Socializes too much." or simply "Talks too much." But, what's a gal to do?? I've got a lot on my mind and I have yet to find the OFF button. Hubby searches for it regularly, but to no avail....there is no map for the land that hides that button!

Wishing you a terrific Tuesday!!

Random tidbit for the day: Try a little plop-plop, fizz-fizz (aka Alka-Seltzer) to clean your travel coffee/tea/chai mug or thermos. Drop those tablets into water (in the thermos) and let soak an hour, like I'm going to do since I forgot to wash my pink coffee travel thermos when I got home! (I said "random"!)


  1. You're so fun...of course your blog is ALWAYS worth the click! I passed along that blog post to Jenn of Torendi...she's a huge pac man fan:)

  2. Hi Karen,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog the other day. I love seeing new faces! Just took a look at Color me Katie, that was quite cute! Think I've actually seen her photographing in the Williamsburg area of Bklyn. Currently procrastinating, need to do taxes. Thought I'd read some blogs 1st ;)I like your fun writing style!!

  3. lol @ 'riding rainbows,' haaaaa, omg, I needed that laugh! So thank you! And I finally will be mailing out your card tomorrow! You will pee! Well, I hope not! But anyways, just know I tried okay!!! xOxO

  4. Haha, thanks for sharing that link! If there were Pacman patterned papers I'm sure to buy some ;-) I can see you could sneak in some creative time though 'cause I can spot a shiny new blog banner. Me likey!

  5. Hi!
    I love your daughter's naming technique for her animals!

  6. That blog is totally awesome. Love it!

  7. Finding new blogs is so fun, thanks for the links and for the Seltzer tip!

  8. The blog is quite exceptional, worth a return. You are very creative!

  9. Thanks for the awesome link and the fantastic little tidbit about alka seltzer. Will be giving that one a try! Hope your week has been full of sunshine and smiles! xoxo L

  10. You are too funny! Your post made me smile. I'll be sure to hop on over to the others as well. -and Jacob LOVED the Dory video! :) Who am I kidding, I did too! ;)

  11. We were separated at birth. I got a "needs improvement" in conduct in the 5th grade for my "chattiness". Now my daughter is following in my footsteps. :)

  12. Yep Karen - those stops here & there seem to consume the entire day! :)


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