
Friday, September 4, 2009

Creative Kidlet Fun

A year ago, I was so unsure of the whole Facebook thing......I just didn't "get it." But, it was kind of cool to see updated pics of peeps I knew long ago. So, I signed up........just to see those pics! A month later, my cousin found me on there and "friended" me (I had even forgotten that I signed up by then!) and so I thought that maybe I should check it out.

I am So glad I did! Reconnecting with some close friends that I had lost contact with and probably would have never found (or even known where to look).........and suddenly I "got it"! I began to understand what a great tool social networking sites can be. Anyhow, I certainly did not intend this post to be about the wonders of Facebook.

One of those fab friends that I had lost contact with, oh about twenty years ago, I have reconnected with via Facebook and this morning, I was delighted to see an email from her with a link to a fun creative and crafty site, The Crafty Crow, that encourages kidlet creativity today. I went and checked it out and see some fun prospects to share with my own little budding artists!

The Crafty Crow

Hope you enjoy the site! Just as an FYI, I have absolutely no connection to the site. I am simply excited to see this blog full of crafty ideas for kidlets and did I mention that I noticed they do give aways too? ;-)

Does anyone have a fun weekend planned? We are looking forward to having Hubby/Daddy home for three days! Have a Fantastic Friday and Happy Labor Day weekend to those in the United States!


  1. I'll have to check into Facebook, like you I don't get it, but perhaps I should!

    We have 25 people coming tomorrow for a pool and BBQ party, glad I have two days to recover! lol

    Enjoy your weekend with your hubby!!


  2. I'm going canoeing this weekend, which should be fun. Oh and I have another sewing class. It seems like it's already going to be full!

  3. Hi Karen! I'm getting some free time to play with art stuff this weekend! Yippie. And, my son is having his best friend over for a playdate. That will be fun too.

    I just reposted my video on my blog. Sorry...! I didn't know you needed an invitation to look at it. You don't now. But I am also sending you an invite to Roses to your gmail address, so you can come and watch or play, or whatever makes you happy. oxoxoox
    Have fun with your family this weekend! oxoxox Zinnia

  4. Hi, Karen! Thank you for your kind comment on my blog today. I will be sure to pass along your well-wishes to my hubby! :-)

  5. Thanks for your fab comments on my blog! I have a FB account but just don't bother with it anymore. lol Have a great weekend with the hubby!

  6. I'm FRIGHTENED of the FACEBOOK! It sounds like adopting a small child, or an entire village! I'm intrigued, but way scared, too! Hee Hee

    Regardless of my issues, looks like you've uncovered some GOLDEN friendships from long ago! That site is delicious! Makes me wish my kids were littler again! Doh!

  7. FUn link! Will have to check that out!

    Have a great weekend...we are laying low, thank goodness!

  8. Hey, remind me to e-mail you a few facebook stories! sooooo, Did you get a good team???????? xOxO

  9. Oh no...I can see hours of time spent on that blog!! :) My DD will LOVE it!!

    I spent part of my weekend seaglassing! LOL Are you surprised? I also created 6 scrapbook pages...well, they are ALMOST done. Just need to get the cricut going. :)

    From my blog email me so I can give you my "real" name (I know, you are shocked it is not Mama Monkey, aren't you?)...then we can be friends on FB as well. Oh, will you be my friend??! ;)

  10. i held off as long as possible. for facebook i guess i was affraid of what?.. well.. who i would fing on there. but it has been at lot of fun so far.


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