
Monday, July 6, 2009

An Award to Pass On

A few days ago, I stopped by Adventures from the Monkey Hut to see what has been going on in Japan lately and what do I find? But, a Lemonade Stand award for me. Thanks, Siobhan!

The Lemonade Stand: "Choose seven ladies who according to this award show an attitude of gratitude"

And because there are oodles of wonderful people that possess this 'attitude of gratitude', it is difficult to narrow it down, but here are the magical number seven that have been requested:

Penny at Penny Duncan Creations
Lisa at Takin' Life One Day at a Time
Julie at My Little Scrap Shop
Christyn at Bead Up
Susan at Susan's Day Off Creations
Andi at Andi's Perfect Gravy: A City Girl's Ranch Life
Sue at Fine Hand

I hope you visit all of these creative women. They each inspire me!


  1. Hi, Karen! Congratulations on your blog award! :-)

  2. oh Karen, thank you so much, so sweet of you to think of me, you certainly have inspired me so i could send this right back at ya!
    congrats on siobahn sending it to you!

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhh WOW Karen!!!! THANK YOU my friend!!! I'm so touched by this and will be posting on my blog this evening!!! You've made my day!!!!! I hope you have a very blessed Tuesday!!!

  4. Karen, you made my day! thanks so much for thinking of me and I have to say you are an inspiration yourself

  5. Hooray! I posted about it on my blog

    Thanks again, gal!

  6. Hi Karen! I just realized I never thanked you for this award. I am so sorry for being such a slacker. Summer vacation has just turned my world upside down. I am so behind in everything. Please forgive my total lack of "attitude of gratitude". Geez, guess that makes you rethink giving it to me in the first place. Regardless, thank you so very much. I will be mentioning you on my blog early next week. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Thank You for visiting! I appreciate and am grateful for all of You who craft some of Your time to leave me comments!