
Tuesday, October 30, 2012


There once was a wee girl who whittled words across the pages of any notebook she could lay her hands on.  When her mother click clacked across a keyboard, she ran for her own pages to wind words around whatever story that whittled itself through her imagination.
As her mother began thinking about what story she would write come this year's NaNoWriMo, this wee girl madly wrote her own adventure.  And her mother entertained the idea that flickered in front of her as she watched her daughter write her tale.
Could this wee girl join her mother for NaNoWriMo this year?

Yes!  She can and that's exactly what this wee girl, my wee girl, is going to do on Thursday!
She is using the Young Writer's Program (YWP) from NaNoWriMo.  And while she's not doing this with her class or anyone in her school, she's going to write her words while I write mine.
While working in her YWP workbook for elementary school age kidlets, she turned to me with such excitement in her eyes.  "Can I do NaNoWriMo next year too?" She gushed with pure excitement bubbling over.  And of course, I told her, "Yes! You can do NaNoWriMo every year for the rest of your life, if you want."  Two beats of silence and my wee girl with golden pig tails bounced up and down, "I can??!! Yahoooooooooooo!!!!"
So. Unbelievably. Awesome. 
We're still picking a word count goal for her.  The last story she wrote, taking a little over an hour or so to write, almost met the high end word count for her age.  So we're going to pick something a little higher in order for it to be something to write towards over the month.  But obviously don't want to make it so high, it's unachievable.  An achievable challenge is the goal.

Thursday, November 1st - the first day of NaNo, my wee girl will wake up to a fresh new notebook with a special pink mechanical pencil tied off in a bow waiting for her words to fill the pages.
Tick. Tock.  It's almost here!

Monday, October 29, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012

It's that time of year again.  No, not the witchy-warlock, sugar induced day we're creeping up on.  Though, come Wednesday, there will be a li'l witch, a grave ghoul, a grown man in a scary mask named Uncle Charlie, and a woman with a pointy witch hat donned for Halloween.  But, it's the day after, November 1st, that I'm talking about.
It's NaNoWriMo time again!

Come Thursday, I'll be click clacking the keyboard down the ol' wordy bunny trail.  I followed the trail part of the way last year and am looking forward to what I find along the way this year.
If your not familiar with NaNo, simply put, it's a whole lotta people from around the globe, all writing a new fictional novel with a frenzy, attempting to write their way towards 50,000 words in 30 days.
Last year, I 'pantsed' NaNo - started writing with merely a brief, vague idea of a story.  I swore I would be a 'plotter' this year and outline what I want to write ahead of time.  And while I've been working out some story ideas, I'm still short of an outline.  Truthfully, I'm still short of a decision about which story idea I actually want to write.  I have three I'm darting between.  All three are different genres.  But, come November 1st, there will either be family drama, a consciousness transfer, or a woman running for her life.
Have you ever whipped words together for NaNoWriMo in years past?  Are you participating this year?  If your writing, do you know what words you'll be wicking together?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Six Words

Sun shinning,
leaves turning,
weather's not.
~ Check out SMITH for more Six Words. ~

Thursday, October 11, 2012

InstaFriday Fun: Moments Captured

It's been a crazy busy week.  Truthfully?  It's been a crazy busy four weeks.  And it's catching up with me.
But, taking a peek at moments captured with my ever present phone and shared on Instagram (I'm @timecrafted over there, come say hello!) these last seven days, makes me smile and reminds me where I've been.  Come take a stroll with me?
Bringing the kidlets home from school, we noticed a solitary water droplet from the morning's sprinklers resting atop a fallen leaf on the edge of the driveway, thought it was beautiful and worth a pause.

Our neighbors cut down their large flowering plum tree and we've been amazed by the colorful morning treat we now see...aka, the sunrise.

Sweet girl & I wait at the school picnic tables for the big brother after school most weekdays.

Last weekend, after celebrating my best friend's birthday several towns away, I took some time to revisit some old stomping grounds from my early teen years before returning home.

I tried hopping back into the #fmsphotoaday photo challenge that I enjoyed so much this summer.  The theme was #angle and I snapped the side of my laptop to fulfill the bill.

When I got back into town, Hubs & the kids raced to tell me of a surprise in the backyard they discovered while I was gone.  This last summer, we did NOT plant anything new.  Consequently, we only had our existing artichoke and apple tree producing for us this year.
However, last year's set aside tomato cages had ideas of their own...and grew a huge tomato plant full of ripening tomatoes!!! These two were ready this week and I expect another several dozen in the next week.  Pretty cool surprise, huh?!
What surprised you this week?
life rearranged