
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Come! Meet Primrose!!

Our sweet Princess was treated to Primrose, made by Grammie (my Mom), this Christmas. Look at that sweet face! Her pretty petite flower makes me smile......and you know how much I love that!

Primrose, a most adorable bunny makes my daughter smile too! Now, I'm not a knitter, but as someone who appreciates handmade and creating in general, of course I wanted to know more and I thought some of you might too. :>

Mom bought the pattern to knit Primrose from Mary Jane's Tearoom over at etsy. I asked Mom what she thought about the quality of the pattern and she said that, "Her directions are meticulous! Excellent!" I thought that was high commendation since I often hear her grumbling about errors in knitting patterns. Apparently, Primrose was a delight to knit!

Can you believe how cute this bunny is??!! And even cuter, her sweet little sweater, shorts, tights, and shoes??!! I can't stand it......too too CUTE!!!

And even a fluffy bunny tail for sweet Primrose. There is even a hole in her shorts, just for that sweet fluff!

Susan, the creator of these knitted treasures at Mary Jane's Tearoom, also has a BLOG, where her most recent post lets us know that Susan is donating 80% of her proceeds from her Primrose sales to Help for Haiti through the campaign at the popular knitting and crocheting site, Ravelry, through the month of January.

And soon enough....when Mom finishes it for my boy, we'll have Oscar (another one of Susan's patterns that Mom bought) to meet! His clothes are finished, but he is still in need of his bunny body. Thought you just might like a peek! :>

Do you have a crafty family? Or are you their creative spark?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ahhhh......that feels better!

Letting out some happy sighs here.

Now for confession time..... Until the holidays, I had not told any of my family (not including Hubby & our kidlets, of course) or friends that I've grown up with that I was blogging. A few friends found me here, but I hadn't actually told anyone. And as the year flew by, I knew I would share at Christmas. But, at that time I still didn't have a header and it felt kind of silly to not have one in place by then.

So, after midnight on Christmas Eve, I found myself scrambling, looking at stock photos and trying to come up with something at the last minute. Sleep finally called. In the end, I found a photo that I tweaked between seeing what Santa had left in our stockings, cleaning up the mountain of wrapping paper, getting everyone dressed, and setting the dining table for my Mom and inlaws, who were coming in a couple hours for Christmas Day about multi-tasking!

But!!! But, I was not happy with it at all.....couldn't stand it, actually. Just a temporary solution. And now its a month later! Somehow, in the middle of some chatty time with my friend, Elise, this morning, I got a surge of energy (not quite sure how, since I'm on my second back to back cold?!) and started pulling photos (my own, this time) and cleaning the kitchen and helping my Princess make a sweet, simple, little card. Apparently, I can only work on my blog header when I'm doing several other tasks at the same time!

I know its winter (in this hemisphere), but I'm dreaming of our escapes to Fort Bragg and thought one of the gazillion sunset pics I have from our trips there, would work great! And in the end, while not perfect, I am a much happier camper who can let out a happy sigh.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Count me in!! Just Us Girls #16

Yippie!!!!! My fingers are covered in ink & burgundy marker and not only do I have something inky to offer, but for a challenge! I am tapping my toes to my own personal Happy Dance to get my hands inked up again. :>

I have been wanting to play along with one of the Just Us Girls challenges since they started, but somehow, I just kept coming up short on time. And while time is still short.......I made sure to craft some of my own time for a little inky {Love} for their JUGS #16 Color Challenge.

After playing along with Tim & his fabulous Christmas tags, I have a bunch of office tags left over. When I use them, I like to adhere two together so that they stand up to ink and paint much better and then I lightly ink the backside, so its pretty too. (The line in the middle is actually not nearly as obvious......its raining, its pouring, and I had to use a flash as I'm not set up for indoor photography......yet.) I inked the whole thing in soft pink, went over most of it with burgundy, adhered some Noteworthy chipboard alpha stickers, blinged out a chipboard heart, popped it up on foam tape and cut out a bunch of blingy swirls to make a flourish that would fit and work with the tag and voila...a happy little Valentine taggy {love}.

Oh yea! When I experimented with making my own {custom} colored ribbon back in November, I was using polyester satin ribbon. And since I did not have a single piece of burgundy ribbon anywhere in my overflowing ribbon collection (how could that be?!), I thought I would make some, using white nylon organza this time.......and it worked beautifully!! I highly recommend giving it a try.....I'm so happy I did!

Twenty Ten has kicked off to a bit of a slow start , but I am thinking that a little ink goes a long way towards rejuvenating a spirit and putting a grande smile on my face!

Ink: Bravo Burgundy, Pretty in Pink - Stampin' Up!
Chipboard: Making Memories, Cosmo Cricket
Bling: K & Company, Prima
Ribbon: Stash
Tag: Office Depot

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Word Fun

LoL!! I have been looking for this site for a couple of months now and then what do I see on Ali's blog this morning??!! Wordle!! I was using it about once a month for awhile there and then the marble that held that information must have jumped ship, because suddenly I couldn't remember it at all. Thank goodness for such an awesome blogging community!! :>

I like plugging in my blog's url once in awhile. It only takes the words from that page (at least that's what it seems to do!) and so its fun to see what words you are using the most (as the ones you repeat are larger in the Wordle cloud) at that time. And it most definitely makes me happy to see that I use the word 'smile' a lot!!

While nosing around, I stopped in at the Wordle Blog and found this post on how to make Wordle safe for educators to use in the classroom (in other words, how to keep inappropriate words from kidlets' eyes and use Wordle as a learning tool). And for any of you Star Wars fans out there, here's a fun little post to check out!! Have fun! :>